Home Funny 10 Quick Tips to Lose Weight If You are a Lazybones

10 Quick Tips to Lose Weight If You are a Lazybones

People want to be healthy, slim and fit these days, but we all know that having the ideal body is something that requires working on it and dedication. Many people can’t achieve that, so they fail to fulfil their dream.

Many nutritionists will recommend you different diets, but they can also be very demanding. Going to the gym is also something that many people don’t like doing.

Luckily, here, we’re going to present you some quick tips that will help you in case you don’t want to work out and you aren’t a fan of diets!

1. Don’t forget to drink.

You know that water is life, and you drink it at times. But you have probably never thought how helpful it can be for your metabolism if you drink it at the right time. It’s best for you to drink 1-2 glasses of water 30 minutes before every meal. In this way, your metabolic processes will have a fresh start, and your stomach will be partly filled, helping you to eat less. This hydration regime will also lessen your sweet tooth and prevent you from raiding the fridge.

2. Respect your food

Make eating a small ritual. It really won’t take much of your time. Sit down at the table, don’t rush, don’t try to multitask, don’t think about problems, don’t watch TV, and don’t talk on the phone. It’s only you and your food. Be mindful of what you eat and how you do it. This will help you to taste your food more clearly and eat much less. Eat as slowly as you can.

3. Use a smaller plate and chopsticks.

You’ll eat less if you eat smaller portions in smaller plates. Use a small spoon or maybe a chopstick to help you.

4. Sleep more.

Sleeping well improves your metabolism and burns calories. This will make many people happy because who doesn’t want to stay in bed longer?

5. Sleep in the cold.

All you have to do here is turn down your thermostat or open the window. Research from the National Institutes of Health says that sleeping with a temperature of 19°C (66°F) helps your body get rid of calories as it burns fat to maintain its temperature.

6. Add some fat burners.

Include them in your diet: eggs, hot pepper, olive oil, salmon andnuts will help you stay healthy and control your weight.

7. Forget prohibitions.

Don’t eliminate anything from your diet! You can eat whatever you want to. Just pay attention to the amount you take. It isn’t good to have anything prohibited since that will cause stress which will make you eat more.

8. Brush your teeth.

We’re sure that you already do this at least twice a day, so it’s not going to be hard for you. Make it a habit to brush your teeth after every meal. That will prevent you from going for one more portion of food. First of all, food doesn’t taste very good when you have a menthol flavor in your mouth. And second, we’re too lazy to brush our teeth multiple times after every meal, right?

9. Laugh!

Laughing will relieve stress, but also help you burn more fat!

10. Use hot compresses.

Here is one method to help you lose weight while you are watching TV or reading a book. Heating makes you sweat, thus you get rid of unnecessary liquid in your body. Use hot compresses if you want to influence the size of particular parts of your body. Amongst the most popular are salt or ginger compresses. To increase the effect and keep your compress hot for longer, you can use a hair dryer.

Sources: brightside.me, funnystation.net