Home Moral Stories 14 Disturbing Truths That Ruined People’s Trust

14 Disturbing Truths That Ruined People’s Trust

It is possible to spend years, even decades, with someone without understanding they are keeping a deep, life-changing secret. In the collection we share today, people have disclosed sh0cking truths about their loved ones. We applaud their boldness and honesty in sharing their ideas with such a large audience.

Story 1:

My mother often said, “I can tell your boyfriend is a bad person.” She refused to meet his parents and even declined to attend the wedding. Years passed, and we were a happy married, but she stayed aloof.

Then one day, the doorbell rang. Someone had left an old photograph. I froze when I saw my mother as a young lady kissing a guy I knew all too well—my boyfriend’s father. I tried phoning to confront her, but she didn’t answer. When I asked my father-in-law, he acknowledged that he and my mother had dated in college for three years; they were even engaged at one point, but he ended up cheating on her, and they split up.

I was astonished. My mother had clearly not conquered the past, and she appeared intent to spoil my happiness just because I was dating the son of the man who had shattered her heart. After that day, I entirely lost faith in her. Now, I wouldn’t want her to meet her grandchildren.

Story 2:

I was approached via a DNA service by someone claiming to be my first cousin, but I didn’t recognize the name. My aunt had placed this cousin for adoption when he was born years ago. My aunt had only told my mother, who informed me once I began researching our family history.

My aunt is now frightened that I learned about her child and avoids me at all means at family occasions. © Nevermind It’s Me / Reddit

Story 3:

I discovered that my wife of three months, whom I married to assist her obtain citizenship, was che:a:ting on me with the best man from our wedding. After three years together, they are now separated and have a kid. Meanwhile, I’m in a happy relationship with an excellent lady.
© Yeen_North | Reddit

Story 4:

My father discovered a few years back, through an obituary, that he had an aunt he had no idea about. He questioned my grandmother about it, and she said they placed her sister in an institution when she was in her teens (in the 1940s) because she was “too wild” and never talked about her again.
Even when he inquired about it, she refused to discuss it with him. She eventually told him the very minimum—that she was really crazy, and their father had her committed to an institution.
© superstartsky / Reddit.

Story 5:

When I was about two years old, my mother’s mother looked after my sisters and me while my parents worked in the city. She refused to let us visit our parents for any reason, so we ended up living with her for nearly a half year.

Our parents were delayed in the city for two days due to a terrible snowfall, so my nanny went to court and claimed they abandoned us. She took temporary custody of us, and my parents had to wait six months to be approved as “suitable” parents.

© BloomieBoii | Reddit

Story 6:

I was an illegitimate son of a married guy with a family. He had an a:ffa:ir, and his pregnant girlfriend placed me for adoption. It was embarrassing when I hunted down my half-sister via DNA matching and we found how we were linked. © Jekyllhyde/Reddit

Story 7:

For illustrative purpose only

On the day my father di:ed, I found he had a hidden family: a new wife and a thirteen-year-old daughter. While entering his Facebook to publish information about his wake, I discovered messages from his other wife. My life had fallen apart, and I was at a loss for words to tell my mother and two brothers. To make matters worse, all of his relatives knew about it but never informed us. © Weekend_Rockstar / Reddit

Story 8:

When my grandmother passed away she left our rental property (three houses) to me in her will, assigning my father as guardian until I reached legal age. I discovered out years after I turned 18, since my father never informed me. While reading through old paperwork, I came across her will and learnt that he had sold one of the properties years ago as if it were his own.
He also took out credit cards in my name when I was still a child, so my credit was ruined before I reached 18. © Ludwig_Von_Koopa1 | Reddit

Story 9:

My grandfather che:a:ted on my grandmother a lot when they initially got together. They married just because she became pregnant. He had a son with someone else, and I only found out about him after my grandfather di:e:d. I believe my mother met him previously but never told anyone. © graciepaint4 | Reddit

Story 10:

My closest friend’s mother attempted to have a relationship with my father. He notified my mother, which is why our families stopped hanging together, but they allowed me and my closest friend to continue seeing each other since they felt it was unfair to us.
My father then proceeded to lie on several women, stating that it was due to his depression.
It was also revealed that my mother was in love with someone else when she and my father were dating, but the man refused to be with her due to her pregnancy. That’s why she stayed with my father. © D***Unicorn0229/Reddit

Story 11:

For illustrative purpose only

I have a sister from another father, who, like my father, has gone. We discovered about a month ago that she had another sibling on her father’s side from when her father che:a:ted on my mother several years before she became pregnant. © mkicon | Reddit

Story 12:

One week after my 35-year-old spouse di:e:d unexpectedly, I read through his correspondence. I uncovered a “location tracking” service he’d been surreptitiously using for months. Curious, I managed to log in using one of his previous passwords. To my surprise, it revealed his current location—not far from where we reside.

Five minutes later, after gathering my thoughts, I got into the car and determined to find it. Suddenly, a chat box appeared on the screen, and I received a girl’s photo and a text. I received a message from an unknown identity asking, “Are you still there?” “What do we do next?” Someone responded from my husband’s side with a selfie, but it wasn’t him.
My gut twisted when I thought someone else had hijacked his account. I wasn’t sure if the illusory hope that he was still alive gave me peace or added to my anguish.

Story 13:

Over a decade after his d3ath, I found that my grandpa had a secret marriage prior to my grandmother’s. Nobody has questioned her about it, partially because she is in her 80s and it seems pointless to bring it up. © CharlieChooper | Reddit

Story 14:

My mother’s friend’s brother told me that my father had a secret family. Apparently, dad che:a:ted on my mother several times with other ladies a few years ago and now has a complete new family that he never met. Nobody is supposed to know about this. I have six siblings (7 in all) and even more siblings.
I’m not sure whether I’ve seen them on the street, at work, or if I need to run background checks on potential romantic partners in case they’re siblings…so, thanks, Dad. © Fabulous-Dark/Reddit