Home Moral Stories 15 People Share “Scary” Stories That Were Rui:ned by Reality

15 People Share “Scary” Stories That Were Rui:ned by Reality

It’s amazing to have great imagination, but sometimes it can pull tricks on us. Wonderable nights can easily turn into a real scary movie. Some of these events were so out of this world, not even Stephen King could compete with them. How great it is though to realize you were just making a mountain out of a molehill?

Story 1:

Last night, I was awakened by a truly chilling sound: an old woman’s voice speaking quietly in my bathroom. My husband is out of town, so I spent a full minute frozen alone in bed running through possibilities of what could be going on. A ghost? A home invader? It turned out to be my phone, which I had accidentally left on YouTube by the sink, playing a 2.5+ hour-long interview with Olivia de Havilland.
thatsajellyfish / Twitter

Story 2:

Story 3:

My cat has this one specific meow that sounds exactly like a small lost human child plaintively, desperately yelling, “Hello?!” She prefers to do it at about 3 AM. It’s gotten me up out of bed, heart pounding, phone in hand more than once.

Story 4:

I woke up to a chainsaw sound in my apartment. You don’t know panic until you’re in darkness with this deafening sound. A broom in my kitchen had fallen and on the way down turned the empty blender on high.

Story 5: 

My aunt started hearing music coming from somewhere and she couldn’t find the source. She looked around and said, presumably, to the ghost, “What do you want? Where’s the music coming from?” But the faint music kept following her room to room. It turned out that it was coming from her phone in her back pocket.

Story 6:

Story 7:

The time we left a musical birthday card sitting on a dresser in a room with an open window. It got windy in the middle of the night and we were awoken by Wang Chung singing, “EVERYBODY HAVE FUN TONIGHT!”

Story 8: 

Went into a house this week that played Bruce Springsteen in every room. Garage and yards as well. I looked for the hidden speakers, couldn’t see them, and was impressed. Turns out I butt-played a Spotify list.

Story 9:

I was home alone cleaning my bedroom. Suddenly someone screamed “WHOOOA!” behind me. I screamed and panicked. Turns out it was the beginning of James Brown’s “I Feel Good” that I’d put on to play. I turned my back and he screamed. I thought someone was attacking me!

Story 10:

Story 11:

I woke up to the sound of a dish shattering on my apartment kitchen floor. Terrified, I quietly got out of bed and hid in my closet for half an hour until I was sure nobody was there. A bowl I’d set out to dry had slipped and broke. I felt so ridiculous.

Story 12:

My husband was out of town and I was alone watching What Lies Beneath and there was a scene with some fire/smoke and my family room smelled like smoke right at that moment. I froze in fear. Few minutes later realized that a neighbor was barbecuing.

Story 13:

I moved from a 3 story house into a small apartment. Woke up one night to hear a low snoring sound coming from under the bed. Turns out my dog, who always slept on the first floor in our old house, now sleeps under the bed and has a nasal problem!

Story 14:

Story 15:

My dad went into the garage one night, bumped into some old boxes, and heard “heh heh heh” nearby. Instant goosebumps. It turned out to be an old Furby that no one had touched in over a decade. No idea how the batteries could still work!
Alicia Emily / Twitter