5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Woman If You Truly Love Her
Below are 5 things you should avoid saying to your woman if you truly love her:
1. Anything that makes her lose confidence
You can’t say stuff that chips away at your woman’s confidence. Whatever tears her down rather than build her up is wrong. You can’t say that to her face or even behind her.
If you must criticise her, do it gently, constructively and in love. That’s your woman. It’s on you to build her up with your words and your actions.
2. Anything that pokes fun at her insecurities
You know the weight issues she talks to you about and the concern she expresses to you about a certain part of her body? Never say: “You’ve gained weight” or “You look really different in the mornings” Those are off limits. You can not joke about them!
3. “Stop being dramatic”
Apart from a few exceptions, women continue to be the most emotional of all the genders. Most ladies find this statement offensive. Just leave them to vent, they will figure it out. If you think they are overreacting. Just give them the space to fume out.
4. “You behave like my ex.”
No one wants to be compared to an ex unless the ex is a model. It makes her feel angry, worthless and insecure, which is never good.
5. Yeah, she’s sexy!”
She may even comment first about how “sexy” this other woman is. Do not fall for it, and change the subject immediately. You cannot possibly come out of that discussion on top.