Home Life 5 Ways To Keep Him Interested Without Sleeping With Him

5 Ways To Keep Him Interested Without Sleeping With Him

People often say that men are natural hunters and would always want to have a physical intimacy with the woman they love.

Yet, it is not impossible to have a successful relationship without sleeping with each other. So ladies, if you’re wondering how to make a man happy without sleeping with him, then read this article till the end.


I know what you are thinking. You are probably thinking, “we are trying to keep him disinterested in sᴇx, how on earth will looking good make him wait to sleep with you?”

Here is the thing. Apart from the usual “men are moved by what they see” narrative, most men want their woman to look good because it makes them proud to walk beside a beautiful woman.

And every woman is beautiful; she just has to find out what works for her. If it means you doing research to find out what works and doesn’t work for you, you should do that.

After all, that’s one of the habits of happy women and I believe you want to be one. Let me also add – in case the idea of looking good for your man makes you cringe – that looking good makes you feel good about yourself and increases your self-confidence.


Scientific studies have demonstrated that scent is the strongest sense tied to memory. Use it to your advantage.

Buy a unique scent: something you love that perfectly fits you. Wear it only around the man you want. You’ll be amazed at the lasting effect this can have on how he perceives you and how much he thinks about you.

When you aren’t around, he’ll miss it. When you are around, it will stimulate and arouse him. Pretty soon, he’ll want you around all the time. Your scent can have a magical effect. Don’t neglect it.


Men get bored easily by dull routines, so surprise your man on a frequent basis.

Make plans he wasn’t expecting. Book a fun weekend for two in a town or a state you’ve never visited before. Explore the weird and quirky things about your city and your surroundings.

Just make sure to take his schedule into consideration. If he has a stressful and busy week of work ahead, don’t expect him to be thrilled about a trip you’ve planned that will put him even further behind.

Another way to be spontaneous is to change up your appearance frequently. Most men have the fantasy of being with many different attractive women throughout their lifetime. If you want to keep a man interested, change your hairstyle from time to time, colour your hair and change from a blonde to a brunette or vice versa, wear a sᴇxʏ outfit he’s never seen you in before, workout regularly, etc.

To keep him interested, keep him guessing and make him feel like he’s with a new and exciting woman all the time! Give him the variety he craves, and he’ll have no reason to stray.


When guys and girls tell each other the first thing they look for in a member of the opposite sᴇx is a sense of humour, they’re not lying. The ability to make someone smile and laugh are easily one of the most important aspects of attraction and an awesome way to keep a man interested. It alleviates tension, lightens the mood, displays intelligence, and makes a man feel incredible when he’s around you.

Keeping a man interested without sleeping with him requires that you make him feel “highs” every time he’s around you. A great way to do this is through communication. It’s not just about humour. It’s also about the exact words and phrases you say to a man.

You can’t put a price on funny, so keep your man laughing, and you’re sure to hook his heart.


More often than not, men find women who are constantly dragging them to get involved in their own interests while the woman acts like his is not that important.

So, be a breath of fresh air.

Be the woman who genuinely wants to be involved in the things that interest him.

You don’t have to be involved in everything or take part in everything but once in a while, watch a game with him, play a video game with him, go outdoors with him for his favourite sport, ask about his business, career, or work.

The main thing is to show him that you care about him and want to share in his life and that you are not just about being in a relationship or having a man to call your own.

REFERENCES: ng.opera.news, olubunmimabel.com