Home Health 6 Kinds Of Compliments Men Would Love To Hear More Often

6 Kinds Of Compliments Men Would Love To Hear More Often

6 Kinds Of Compliments Men Would Love To Hear More Often

1. Compliments that show you believe in him.

One of the biggest things that make a guy melt is when his partner supports him and believes in him.

– I believe in you.
– I love how motivated you are.

2. Compliments on body and appearance.

Every person (regardless of gender) likes to know that their partner finds them aesthetically pleasing. Whether it’s your arms, hands, eyes, thighs, or private parts that are at the end of the compliment, guys aren’t too picky.

-You look more manly today. I like it.
– You look so handsome in that suit/tie/note!

3. Compliments that acknowledge his efforts.

Show him that you appreciate what he does for you. Even the simplest things. Notice and acknowledge everything. Whenever you appreciate something out loud, you tend to receive more of it. And even if you don’t, you can still make him feel loved.

Whether he took out the trash, replaced the light bulb, or did the dishes is irrelevant…what matters is that you acknowledge him from time to time for his acts of service.

4. Compliments that show you respect him.

Your man probably wants to feel respected in your relationship.

Here are some ways to tell him so:

– You are a good man.
– I am proud of you.
– I have so much respect for you.
– You become a better version of yourself every time I see you.

5. Compliments that show you trust him and his leadership skills.

Most men have a deep love for being seen as the leader in their lives and relationships.

Let him know that you see him and that you trust his way of being in the world by saying some of the following things:

– I trust you.
– I am on your side.
– You have never misguided us in the past.
– I would follow you anywhere.

6. Compliments that show you are affected by him.

Essentially all men know the feeling of having someone walk by who is so attractive that they are weak in the knees. The intoxicating rush of attraction we feel is powerful.


– I can’t help but blush around you.
– They always know how to make me smile.
– I respond to you on such a deep level.

Source:goodmenproject.com, themindsjournal.com