Home Quiz 7 Gestures To Make Your Man Feel Loved and Cared

7 Gestures To Make Your Man Feel Loved and Cared

Much like you, your man also needs to feel loved and cared every day. He needs more than just a few romantic words. It doesn’t really take much to make your boyfriend feel loved or you don’t always have to prepare something grand to make him feel giddy. Most of the time, even your simple gesture can make his day.

A successful relationship requires effort from both partners. To give you some good ideas on how to do your part, here are some gestures to make your man feel loved and cared

1. Tell him how handsome he is.

Anybody who’s been in a good, healthy romantic relationship has likely had a sense that he or she was cared for, thought about, and loved during the day. If your man works outside the home, let him know that you appreciate what he does. Even if he loves his job, I guarantee you there are days when he thinks about yelling at his boss, or just hiding away in his office all day. But he doesn’t do it. Part of the reason might be you, and your family.

2. Appreciate him.

If he picks up your dress from the cleaners, fills a glass of water for you, or serves the food for you, thank him properly for doing it. Don’t take him for granted even if it is just a simple gesture, as much as possible notice and appreciate it. Rolling a quick “thank you” off your tongue isn’t hard and it’s worth it when it will make him feel valued and loved.

3. Food really is the way to a man’s heart.

Sometimes true romance doesn’t need to be more extravagant than a favorite meal. Make a list of his favorite snacks, treats, and meals – and make one of them for your husband, just because you love him.

4. Give him space.

All relationships require space from time to time to continue building on the intimacy and the bond that you share. Give him the freedom to be with himself, family, friends, or even his teammates at work. I’m sure he’ll feel seen, heard, supported, and loved.

5. Kiss him again and again.

A passionate kiss can spike the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is linked to feelings of craving and desire. It can also solidify the strong bonds between you and your partner.

6. Initiate sᴇx more – and be more playful and romantic.

Out of the last five times you’ve made love, how many have you initiated, and how many has your husband initiated? Show him you want him and need him as much as he wants and needs you. Nothing says ‘Take me now’ like dressing up for the occasion. Slip into your sᴇxɪᴇsᴛ ɴᴇɢʟɪɢᴇᴇ and strut into your bedroom.

7. Let him realize that you miss him.

When letting your boyfriend know how much you miss him, do it in a creative way – like sending him a text while you’re on your work break, taking videos of yourself at places that are meaningful to the two of you, or simply tell him just how much you miss him and how eagerly you’re waiting to see him again.