Home Life 7 Signs the Body Needs More Vitamin C

7 Signs the Body Needs More Vitamin C

1. The role of vitamin C in the body

Vitamin C has many important roles in the body such as:

  • Involved in the creation of collagen and some components of connective tissue
  • Supports iron absorption because vitamin C participates in converting trivalent iron into divalent iron, making it easier for the body to absorb iron. Therefore, when iron-deficiency anemia is often taken with vitamin C
  • Participate in the body’s metabolism such as metabolism of protid, lipid, glucid
  • Participating in the synthesis of some substances such as catecholamines, adrenocorticotropic hormones, increasing the production of interferon, thereby helping to increase the body’s resistance.
  • Antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals generated by metabolic reactions in the body, thereby protecting the integrity of cell membranes;
  • Helps increase calcium absorption into the body and increases bone density.

2. These seven signs indicate that your body may be deficient of vitamin C.

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Reduced energy and frequent feeling of exhaustion are prominent signs of vitamin C deficiency. Since fatigue is a symptom of most illnesses, be sure to keep track of when and how often you experience fatigue. exceed.

Slow healing wounds

Since collagen formation is reduced during deficiency, this slows down wound healing. In cases of severe deficiency, the wound can reopen, increasing the risk of infection.

Rough, bumpy skin

Since vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, which is a protein in connective tissue within our skin, a skin condition known as keratosis pilaris can develop. This consists of the development of bumpy skin due to a buildup of keratin inside the pores, according to the health website Healthline. This appears roughly around 3 to 5 months if one has inadequate intake of food and vitamins.

Corkscrew-shaped body hair

Body hair can grow in coiled or bent shapes due to defects in the protein structure of the hair. This is a major sign of vitamin C deficiency, but can be difficult to detect if the hair easily breaks or falls out.

Easy bruising

Poor collagen production within the skin causes weak blood vessels. This leads to ruptured vessels, which create bruises on the skin. They may cover large areas on the skin, or appear as small, purple dots.

Red hair follicles

On the skin, hair contains blood vessels that supply nutrients to the area. When deficient, these vessels break, which results in bright red spots on the skin.

Bleeding gum and tooth loss

Red, swollen gums that often bleed are another sign of vitamin C deficiency. Gum tissue becomes weakened and blood vessels bleed more easily. If very deficient, gums may appear purple and rotten. Teeth can fall out if the gums become very unhealthy, and can weaken the dentin found in remaining teeth.

A vitamin C deficiency is easy enough to compensate with your diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges, apples, and lemon as well as vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are rich, natural sources of vitamin C.
