Home Quiz 70% of people can’t solve this brainteaser in under 3 minutes

70% of people can’t solve this brainteaser in under 3 minutes

70% of people can’t solve this brainteaser in under 3 minutes. How long does it take you to spot the eggplant in this photo?

This brainteaser is confusing a lot of people. 
Courtesy of Galabingo

GalaBingo created a summer-themed brainteaser, challenging people to find the eggplant hidden amongst a picture of sandals.

Only 70% of people who didn’t give up could find the eggplant in under three minutes, while four out of ten people gave up before ever solving the puzzle.

Look closely, and you might be able to see it.

Want a hint?

Think about what an eggplant looks like sliced open and grilled.

Still can’t find it?

Check out where the eggplant was hiding below.

It was hiding in the bottom right. 

You may have been looking for a full eggplant, but this difficult brainteaser was actually disguising a slice of grilled eggplant as the bottom of the flip-flop.