Home Funny 8 bad texting habits that may make the world hate you

8 bad texting habits that may make the world hate you

Most people use texting as a mode of communication. It’s easy and convenient because you can quickly reply to a message even during a meeting. Yet, texting is not always seamless. In fact, many can be misinterpreted during texts, not forgetting that a lot of people just don’t have the basic texting etiquette.

Here are 8 annoying texting habits we all dislike. If you have these habits, this can make the world hate you. Haha

1. Only reply to one question or worse still

When you text someone multiple questions but they only reply to one question or worse still, goes on to say everything else BUT reply to the questions.

2. One word replies

Why even bother sending someone a text if you’re going to do those annoying one word replies? like this…

Person 1: How’re you?
Person 2: Good
person 1: So, what are you up to?
Person 2: Chilling

3. Taking forever to reply.

If I wanted a reply after 8 hours or something, I could’ve sent a letter or something. Texts are supposed to be quick and convenient.

4. Boring texters

You know those people who hit you up with a text like “whats up” and you think they wanna chat but they’re just passing on their negative boring energy to you. If you’re going to chat with me, make it fun! Ask me what I think about the maizegate issue that seems to have lost its direction now or let’s talk about Rihanna & Drake or what i think about the Governments`s delay in

5. ᴏᴠᴇʀsᴜᴇ of emojis and GIFs.

Emojis are great. Throw in an emoji here and there but don’t ᴏᴠᴇʀsᴜᴇ them!!! Not everyone understands emoji lingo and speaking of lingo,and it is even worse boring when its a man to man chart since its looks 100% gaysh. This also applies to people who use too many acronyms; LQTM, G2G, BRB…please people, we are on earth! Not the planet of extraterrestrials.

6. Ghosting

These are probably the worst. You are busy texting then they suddenly disappear and reappear 2 days later and expect the conversation to flow seamlessly from where they left off. No man, that ship sailed. Bye!

7. Posting screenshots of messages online

We are all guilty of sending a screenshot to a best friend or close friend and that’s okay…my problem is with those that post private messages online for the entire world to see. That’s not cool! There are other ways to get your 5 minutes of fame!

8. Bad grammar.

You can shorten your texts. That’s fine and understandable, but you should also have different languages for different people. For example, if you’re texting your boss or a potential employer, you cannot use bad grammar like writing hae/hy instead of hi. It’s not only annoying but it also makes you look like you’re not a person who should be taken seriously.