Home Quiz 95% of people can’t solve this brainteaser in under a minute.

95% of people can’t solve this brainteaser in under a minute.

One of these umbrellas on the beach is actually a cocktail umbrella. Can you tell where it is?

GalaBingo.com, an online bingo site, shared this summer-themed brainteaser just in time for the Fourth of July holiday. It’s a tough one — the site reports that 95% of people can’t find the cocktail umbrella in less than a minute.

So many umbrellas. Courtesy of GalaBingo.com

Did you find the cocktail umbrella?

It’s there somewhere.

Keep looking.

You’ll find it.

Do you want a hint?

It’s pink.

Still looking?

The answer is below.

There it is. 
Courtesy of GalaBingo.com

The cocktail umbrella is crinkly with more prominent sections than the other umbrellas.