Putting ice in the toilet can help you clean up faster, if you don’t believe me, try it.
This is a good tip from restaurants and bars that many cleaning staff tell each other to do.
Pouring ice into the toilet helps you clean effectively
Ice is not only used for drinking, but it also has the effect of deodorizing and also prevents toilet clogging. When the toilet is crowded with people like a restaurant, or when your family is overbearing and lives with many people, occasionally pour ice cubes into the toilet, remember to pour a layer that is cold enough. Cold ice put in the toilet will help dilute the Ammonia solution as the ice melts and will gradually help the water drain down the drain quickly. This also helps limit odors when you forget to flush after going to the toilet. Because when the ice melts, less steam rises, reducing odors and flowing down the drain.
Ice creates a cold environment, preventing the growth of bacteria and preventing waste from sticking to the walls of the urinal, making cleaning easier.
When you put ice in the toilet and flush, the ice cubes float down, creating strong pressure to push light waste like toilet paper down, helping to unclog the clog effectively.
During the end of the year, when you come to a crowded house and the bathroom may have to be used more frequently, this is a good tip for you. Occasionally pour in ice to help keep the toilet clean during Tet, even if it is used a lot.
When using excess ice, you can also pour it into the mouth of the sink, sink, or bathroom drain cover to help eliminate odors better.
In addition to cleaning the toilet and smelling fresh without having to use harmful detergents with unpleasant odors, you can also apply the following tips:
Use lemon juice
You put lemon juice in the toilet. The acidity of lemon juice will help you clean the toilet and is especially good at deodorizing. Cut the lemon and squeeze it into a bowl to get lemon juice. Mix lemon juice with washing powder to form a thick mixture, then pour this mixture onto the dirty yellow area. Leave for about 10 minutes, then use a scrub brush to scrub clean.
You can place lemon peels on the bathroom window so they radiate fragrance to deodorize the bathroom.
Mix baking soda and vinegar
Baking Soda and vinegar are both good disinfectants and odor removers. When you mix these two ingredients together, you will have a natural detergent that does not cause an unpleasant odor but is also fragrant and deodorizing. Therefore, mix baking and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio to form a thick mixture. Then you pour this mixture on the yellow areas, leave it for 10 minutes or longer if possible, then scrub again, it will help you clean better.
Use leftover beer or coke
If you have leftover, unused, or expired beer or coke, pour it into the toilet, let it soak for a few minutes, then scrub. Beer and coke also have natural ingredients that help clean and deodorize your toilet area.