Home News 10-Yr-Old Makes Grocery Store His Stage — Shoppers Don’t Expect What Happened...

10-Yr-Old Makes Grocery Store His Stage — Shoppers Don’t Expect What Happened Next!

When people go grocery shopping, they usually aim to be as efficient as possible by entering, completing their list, and leaving ASAP. But every now and then, something so extraordinary happens that it makes you stop and take note.

Shoppers at Essex, United Kingdom’s ASDA supermarket initially paid no attention to the apprehensive young boy who was standing awkwardly in the center of the store. But the second he started to sing, they realized that an extraordinary talent was in their midst!

Calum Courtney was just 10 years old at the time, and he’s on the autism spectrum.

“Calum has high functioning autism,” his mom Tupney Courtney explained.

“For Calum, this means blurred social boundaries, struggles with school and difficulties with friendships, but also that enables him to have no fear to get up and belt out a song,” she said.

That “no fear” attitude was on full display as Calum stood in front of countless shoppers and belted out an incredible rendition of Smokey Robinson’s “Who’s Lovin’ You.”

It’s amazing how much heart and passion Calum puts into the song considering he was barely in his double-digits!

Calum was at the store to grasp attention for Basildon Mind, a mental health organization. He has done charity performances for most of his young life, and once that supermarket performance has gone viral, he hoped to record a single!

“He did not realize how good he was until he saw the video,” Tupney said. “He said: ‘Mum, I’m actually really good.’”

He was so good he even made his way to “Britain’s Got Talent“!

Watch the video of his grocery store performance below, and don’t forget to share to encourage other young musicians to follow their dreams.