Home News City Orders Restaurant To Remove Flags Honoring ‘Fallen Heroes’, Owner Refuses

City Orders Restaurant To Remove Flags Honoring ‘Fallen Heroes’, Owner Refuses

In the heart of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Johnny Brann, a passionate restaurant owner, becomes entangled in a conflict over a display honoring slain police officers and military members. Despite violating the city’s zoning rules, Brann refuses to remove flags and a placard that serve as a heartfelt memorial to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

City officials believe that the display goes beyond the authorized signage limitations, generating a debate about the balance between commemorating heroes and following to zoning regulations. While the city requests that laws be followed, Brann is adamant that his exhibit is a necessary demonstration of thanks and respect for law police and military personnel.

Undeterred by the zoning violation, Brann intends to navigate the bureaucratic process by requesting for a zoning exception. However, he makes it clearly apparent that even if his application is rejected, he would remain steadfast in preserving the memorial. His steadfast dedication to commemorating those who have given their lives in service to the community indicates a genuine conviction in the value of recognizing and respecting these brave individuals’ efforts.


Interestingly, during the ongoing dispute, Brann chose to remove a couple of banners from the display. This decision came in response to complaints that the messaging on the banners was viewed as political and insulting by some members of the community. It emphasizes the delicate balance that individuals, particularly company owners, must strike while expressing their opinions and thoughts in public.


Navigating the process of obtaining a sign variance requires more than just an application. Brann confronts a complicated route, which includes paying a $1,349 fee, attending a public hearing, and waiting for the Zoning Appeals Board’s recommendation. Ultimately, the City Commission makes the final decision, adding layers of intricacy to an already complicated scenario.


Despite the difficulties, Brann is optimistic that an exception can be made for his performance. His optimism reflects a feeling that the community cherishes the homage he hopes to preserve. As the process progresses, the city and Brann engage in a delicate dance, seeking a compromise that honors both the norms controlling urban aesthetics and the strongly held sentiments of a community appreciative for the sacrifices of its heroes.