Home News A single photo spurred outrage as a family was denied a booth...

A single photo spurred outrage as a family was denied a booth at a restaurant.

If I have an option of where to sit at a restaurant, I nearly always choose for the booth. Not only are the chairs more comfortable, but the nestled-in dining experience feels more intimate. As someone who values privacy, the booth is an ideal solution.

However, if you’ve ever been to a restaurant and the hostess directed you and your company past a perfectly excellent booth to a set of hard chairs, you’re definitely asking why. Restaurants have their own reasons for avoiding providing customers with booth seats, even if they are available. Perhaps it’s just luck of the draw that you’re seated in another server’s section. Or perhaps the booth is reserved for other clients who have called in.

When one family stepped into a local Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Dallas and were denied the seat they wanted, they decided to take a stand against the establishment by posting a photo of it on social media. The family was upset that the hostess had walked right past the supposedly available booth. Because they really desired those more comfy chairs, the family dispatched one of their own to “scout it out” and discovered a sign on the table saying that the booth was designated for certain special VIPs.

When the family noticed the sign on the table, they felt honored to be seated so close to these VIPs. And because they weren’t going to walk into the Texas Roadhouse restaurant right away, they were sitting on the edge of their seats.

This is because the booth was reserved for the five slain police officers. The restaurant wants to respect and remember the courageous police officers who died in the line of duty. It was their way of remembering them. Even though it was a little gesture, other guests took notice and were proud to share the news on social media, promoting the Texas Roadhouse location.

The table sign read: “We remember and honor the five slain police officers, Sergeant Michael J. Smith, Officer Michael Krol, Officer Patrick Zamarripa, Senior Corporal Lorne Ahrens, and Mr. Brent Thompson, who worked for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department, for whom the Texas Roadhouse restaurant reserved a table.” Thank you for your service. “May you rest in peace.” Customers were thrilled to learn that a table at the crowded restaurant had been set aside to honor these committed police officers.

Because they had lost their lives in the line of duty protecting the residents of Dallas, the Texas location of the restaurant wanted the hundreds of patrons strolling through the door that night to know this restaurant stands with its poIice officers. The customers were all too happy to snap pictures of the sign and the table, which included an American flag. The management at the restaurant couldn’t have been happier with it. What do you think about the way the chain restaurant honored its local poIice officers who were slain in the line of duty?