Home News A Man Claims He Hasn’t Slept for the Past Six Decades, and...

A Man Claims He Hasn’t Slept for the Past Six Decades, and Had Everyone Baffled

How many nights have you stayed awake studying or working? We’ve all experienced the difficulty of getting a good night’s sleep, especially when we have to get up early to do our daily tasks. Well, some “lucky” people can go without sleep. This is the example of Thai Ngoc, a farmer who claims to have gone over 60 years without sleeping and that it has had no effect on his daily life. Yes, this farmer definitely deserves to be in the Guinness World Records.

This Vietnamese guy has been in the media limelight in his own country for many years, as the value of sleep in living a healthy life cannot be overstated. Most people cannot get through a day without at least a few hours of sleep. However, this man, who is now in his 80s, claims that he has gone without sleep for the past sixty years and that it has had no negative impact on his health; in fact, he appears to be in excellent health.

Thai Ngoc has not sought medical or scientific assistance to address his illness, therefore only those close to him can certify this reality. His wife, children, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances claim they have never seen him sleep. In an interview with Vietnamese media site Thanh Niên News, he stated, “I don’t know if the lack of sleep has affected my health or not, but I still feel fine and can do farming chores normally.”

Thai was 20 years old when he developed an acute fever that had serious consequences for his body, including an unusual difficulty to sleep. The farmer has claimed that he has tried numerous medications, home treatments, and various strategies and tricks, all to no avail.

Although he anticipated his insomnia would be transitory, it has lasted six decades. Thai Ngoc is regarded as a one-of-a-kind miracle in Vietnam. However, some medical sources suggest that the octogenarian may be sleeping in small amounts without realizing it.