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Woman Saves Money to Provide for Two Children, but in Her Old Age They Kick Her Out of House

“Can you save her doctor?” Todd Wilson asked the doctor who was about to carry out a C–section on his wife.

“Your wife will be perfectly fine, Mr. Wilson, just leave it to me,” the doctor said before disappearing into the room.

Todd realized his children had arrived half an hour later when he heard their cries. The doctor had saved his wife and children, which made a lasting effect on the ordinary man.

His wife, Olive, returned home with him, and they became proud parents to twin sons called Cole and Elijah.

The pair was illiterate; Olive dropped out after becoming pregnant with twins, and her husband had always been a rancher. They lived quietly on a medium-sized property where Elijah pursued various farming techniques, including animal husbandry. Olive and her husband desired nothing more for their sons because they had never had an education.

“You’ll both grow up to be doctors,” Todd said as soon as he lifted them in his arms for the first time. As far as he was concerned, saving another human life was a very noble profession, so his children would become nothing else but doctors.

Olive and her husband were housewives who never went hungry while raising their two boys. Both worked extensively to ensure that their children could become doctors.

Todd died in a buffalo stampede, leaving Olive to care for the two boys, who were already teenagers at the time. They rapidly ran into financial difficulties, and they began to receive offers for the land from other ranchers.

To get by, Olive started working as a maid at a wealthy man’s mansion. It was all her skill set could provide, but she worked hard to keep the entire mansion spotless while gradually warming the older man’s heart.

He loved her commitment and friendliness, so he paid her a little extra whenever he could. Olive saved all of the money she earned and used it to pay for their education.

She did this for years until they started college to study medicine, as Olive and her late husband had desired. The children didn’t care much about saving lives, but they didn’t want to disappoint their parents, so they played along.

Things changed when they were approached by a wealthy rancher who wanted to buy their father’s land. He gave them words that made them want the amount of money he was offering for the property, and they fell for it wholeheartedly.

At one point, the rancher interrupted his speech to gaze about their chamber in disdain, ensuring that they could see his countenance. “You could both be living in luxury and not have to work for a long time with the money you stand to receive from selling that property to us,” the man went on to say.

His words had a significant impact on the boys, and all they could do after the rancher left was fantasize about the life they knew could be theirs.

“We should go home to discuss this with mother,” Elijah said to his brother, who agreed wholeheartedly.

At home, they greeted their mother but did not explain the cause for their visit until they sat down to supper that day.

“Mom, we have something to tell you,” Cole remarked nervously. The lads both knew their mother would not agree to their proposition, but they were determined to have their way.

“We’ve been thinking, mom, and we’ve decided that we want to take up John’s offer to buy the land.”

Olive’s soup-filled spoon was halfway to her mouth when she heard the words, and it remained there as she stopped, staring at her soup as if there was a war going on.

In truth, the war was in her mind. “I’ll never sell this land,” she said coldly, lowering her spoon back to her plate.

“If we do it now, we stand to gain a lot mom,” Elijah said. “Things are not going well right now and we really need that money.”

“I’ll say it again, this land is not for sale!” she yelled, then got up and left.

“We know that dad left the land in our names, mom. We visited the lawyer on our way here,” Cole replied. “As such, we can decide to do with it whatever we want.”

The next day, Olive was kicked out of her house by her own children, who urged her to go live with her siblings. They all turned her down when she called to request the favor. They all seemed to have an explanation as to why they couldn’t help. So Olive had to go to a homeless shelter.

By day, the aggrieved woman worked for the wealthy Mr. Williams, and in the evening, she spent the night at the shelter, where she rapidly established friends because to her friendly demeanor.

They were the ones who gradually healed the woman’s damaged heart. She also developed strong feelings for Mr. Williams, to whom she confided her life story.

When she arrived at work one day, she noticed that the man’s estate was crowded. Apparently, he passed that morning, and his nurse, who was in charge of his care, phoned an ambulance.

Olive was saddened to lose a friend as well as a good job. But a few days later, an expensive car pulled up outside the homeless shelter where she was situated. It was driven by a lawyer who told Olivia that Mr. Williams had left her all his fortune. However, it came with one condition — she could not share it with her children, siblings, and all those who turned away from her.

Olive accepted the blessing and faithfully followed the man’s directions, excluding her children and siblings in order to focus on the new family she had formed in the shelter.

She refurbished the shelter, purchased enough food to last for a long period, and obtained medicine for the residents.

When Olive’s sons discovered that their mother had become a millionaire, they begged her to share some of the wealth with them, but she refused, claiming that it belonged solely to her and her true family, those who stuck by her in her darkest days.