Home Life ‘My husband of 20 years says he doesn’t love me anymore and...

‘My husband of 20 years says he doesn’t love me anymore and it’s all my fault’

‘My husband of 20 years says he doesn’t love me anymore and it’s all my fault’

Dear CL, my husband and I have been together for 20 years, but the past years (and especially the last few months) have been really difficult.

We argued constantly and he stopped talking to me. We have a 12-year-old and an eight-year-old and our youngest son has behavior problems, which adds to the stress.

It all came crashing down last week when he yelled that he didn’t love me anymore and was “done” with our marriage. He said I “checked out” years ago and it was my fault that the marriage was in crisis.

I find parenting very difficult and don’t put any effort into this relationship anymore, but I still love him. We’re still living together to keep things “normal” for the kids, but that’s hard. I really like your advice.

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