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If You Do Any Of These 7 Things, You Might Naturally Be A Genius

If You Do Any Of These 7 Things, You Might Naturally Be A Genius

Did you know you really might be a genius? It’s true.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as intellectually superior, you could possess many of the characteristics shared by people of high intelligence. It turns out many people who are geniuses have personality traits, habits and behaviors in common.

If any of the seven signs below are a match for you, it is very possible you are actually much smarter than you thought:

1. You are curious about everything.

Do you have the thirst to learn something new every day? You constantly question everything, strive to learn new things all the time, and expand your knowledge. You like to try little experiments to find out what happens when you do certain things and might even imagine how the experiment would happen in your head before starting it.

Geniuses are naturally curious people. They are constantly formulating questions in their minds, and then seeking out the answers.

2. You talk to yourself.

Do you often talk to yourself and people think that you have gone mad? Well, you might actually be the opposite of a madman.

If you’re frequently teased for being caught talking to yourself, don’t worry; this can be a sign of genius.

Additionally, speaking out loud can mean that you have a working mind that is constantly trying to sort through all your innovative ideas and creative thoughts. Being vocal with yourself is not wrong and can be a telling sign that you are a genius.

3. You read constantly.

Many people enjoy reading. Geniuses are nearly obsessed with it.

Some extraordinarily intelligent people focus on a single genre, such as science fiction or manga. Others consume reading materials from a wide variety of areas, including both fiction and nonfiction.

No matter what your reading preferences are, if your bookshelves are full and you are constantly acquiring new things to read, you tilt heavily into the genius category.

4. You enjoy challenging your own intellect.

Do you enjoy playing logic, word and trivia games to train and test your brain? If so, you have at least one thing in common with a lot of very intelligent people.

Many geniuses work on sudoku puzzles and do crossword puzzles as impulsively and habitually as other people check their Facebook pages.

5. You are forgetful.

Are you someone who tends to forget things easily? This can be a telling sign that you are a genius.

There is something to the idea of the absent-minded professor. Extremely bright individuals often overload their minds with a lot of complicated and intense things.

They become preoccupied with their projects and ideas. As a result of this, a lot of simple, common-sense things go out the window.

This is why smart people often enter a room and forget why they’re there. It’s also why smart people frequently lose things and forget appointments.

6. You have a checkered past.

We’ve all read about the tortured geniuses who use drugs or alcohol to cope. This isn’t just a plot device used in dramatic fiction, either.

It doesn’t take long to create a long mental list of writers, musicians, artists, scientists and other creative geniuses who have succumbed to or struggled with addiction. Some use alcohol or drugs to cope with the difficulties of fitting in. Others use alcohol or drugs because of their desire to have new experiences.

Obviously, this is a completely unhealthy thing. But if you did some past experimentation, know that it’s not an unusual thing for geniuses.

7. You worry and overthink things.

You would think geniuses would be full of confidence. After all, they’re geniuses.

The truth is, geniuses are often full of doubt. They know there are no black and white answers, and that truth and knowledge continually evolves and grows. Unfortunately, this can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and lack of confidence.

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