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Time and Karma

When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird. Time and circumstances can change at any time. Don’t devalue or hurt anyone in life. you may be powerful today, but remember, time is more powerful than you.

“In society, people who have power outnumber than the decision makers. But power is not in the hands of some one forever.

Like an anteater chat. Tiny ants are always at risk of being attacked by the birds. But when the bird dies, the ants eat them.

Time will cause any situation to change, even reverse, like the story between birds and ants. Today you may be a powerful person, but only tomorrow you can become a very ordinary person.

Today you have everything, tomorrow you can be empty-handed. Today you stand above ten thousand people, but tomorrow you stand under the same people.

So never demean or hurt others just because you have the power to do so. Time is more powerful than you. And your position may change at any time.

Be generous, open and sympathetic to everyone. “