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Dear Women, See The 5 Categories Of Men You Should Not Waste Your Time Dating

Dear Women, See The 5 Categories Of Men You Should Not Waste Your Time Dating

Some women enter a relationship and then regret it because they believe they wasted their time and that the relationship was unnecessary to begin with.

Some women do not recognize this until they are married to such a partner because they do not see a future together.

As a result, before saying yes, yes, or taking the relationship to the next level, one should pay attention to a few characteristics in a man.

If a man displays any of these five characteristics, you should avoid dating him.

1. A wife-beater is a man who uses you as a punching bag out of anger or upset.

Even after they get married, such men cannot change. If you want a happy and successful marriage, you should save yourself and avoid such men.

2. A man who constantly boasts about his father’s wealth and who most likely depends on his father for financial support.

Don’t get me wrong: coming from a wealthy family is not a crime; however, as a man, you should find your own means of earning money instead of relying on your father’s fortune.

Why should you avoid such men in the future? Your father may get tired of them or force them to start building themselves up so that they can secure money on their own, and things may not go as planned.

3. A man who believes he is always right.

These men are selfish and rarely apologize. If you want a happy marriage, stay away from these men. A man should be able to recognize when he is correct and when he is incorrect, rather than believing he is always correct.

4. A man who cares only about himself is uninterested in your dreams.

Any man who tells you to forget your dreams and focus on yours has never truly loved you.

A good boyfriend or man will always support your positive dreams, so if he truly loves and values you, he will help you achieve your goals.

5. A man who has difficulty forgiving others.

Why would you date or marry someone who won’t forgive you for weeks or years? Even if they do forgive you after a few years, these men are likely to remember the problems you and your friends had 3,4 years ago because of a small misunderstanding.

Source:ng.opera.news, legitpost.com.ng, africamediang.com