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LADIES, Here are the useful tips to keep a man madly in love with you

LADIES, Here are the useful tips to keep a man madly in love with you

A man’s decision to stay makes a man stay…. No other external factor can, outside of that decision, make a man stay. Ngoba nje a man can stay with a wife who cannot have children while another man can use that as an excuse to leave. Thus, a man’s decision to stay up is the one that keeps him awake.

A man who loves you must not want to be kept up…and he does not require you to do anything to keep him up, he will just be there. Just be your true self for the start. I also think that a man who leaves later finds out that you are not who you portrayed yourself to be, so it is complicated.

1. He must also be ready to be kept

2. If 1 is yes, then love him

3. If 1&2 obtained then Respect. Compliment him often

This is not just about women, but even men love compliments. If your man looks good on a particular day, praise him. If he did something to help you with household chores, appreciate him for it. This will boost his confidence. ALSO READ WHY long distance relationships work? 8 reasons why distance is harmless in love!

4. If, then, the above is a den champion start the journey to your heart ❤ and go through your stomach, as the old man says.

5. Be wild in bed

Another thing all men love is good $3x. To keep him sexually attracted, be wild in bed and don’t shy away from trying new things. Be wild, spontaneous and $3xy in bed.

These tips are all you need to make your man happy. Next time you want to do something for your man, just follow these tips and he will be the happiest. More than materialistic things, such simple things make a relationship happy.

Emotional, mental and spiritual compatibility. Materialistic things alone do not ‘make a man stay’. That said, it’s not women’s fault. Until we, as men, start looking for the aforementioned things, we can never stay with a woman. It’s not your fault, ladies.

Source:za.opera.news, india.com