Home Health 3 Things To Do Immediately After Unprotected Sleep With Someone

3 Things To Do Immediately After Unprotected Sleep With Someone

3 Things To Do Immediately After Unprotected Sleep With Someone

Many individuals who induce in sexual intercourse are unaware of certain steps that can be taken after unprotected make love and regret it.

This article covers some instructions on what you can do to protect yourself after unprotected intercourse.

1. Take the morning after pill after unprotected Sleep With Someone

If you have no desire to have children at that time, you are advised to take the morning after pill within the given time period. It is important to take the pill within the stipulated time to avoid any mistakes.

2. Visit your doctor.

If you feel the need, we advise you to visit your doctor, who will perform various tests to ensure your safety. The doctor may also recommend certain medications to prevent pregnancy, HIV infection and STI infection.

3. Don’t repeat the same mistake.

It is important to learn from your mistake, as such, once the mistake has been made, do not repeat it and ensure that next time you have contraceptives and protection.

Source:opera.news, healthline.com