Home Health 10 Ways To Make A Man Miss You Like ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ

10 Ways To Make A Man Miss You Like ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ

10 Ways To Make A Man Miss You Like ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ

These tricks make your man miss you like never before, even if you have been dating or married for years:

1. Deliberately leave things behind

Leaving behind a note or an earring will constantly remind him of you. Whenever he sees you in his house or car, he will momentarily think of you and all the great things you did together.

2. Give him some personal space

He won’t miss you if he sees you all the time, right? You don’t have to be with him all the time. Have your space and let him have his. Not only will this make him miss you, but it will also show that you have a life outside of him. This is equally empowering for you. Everyone needs their time and space to clear their minds.

3. Make him wait before you respond to his texts.

There is a difference between giving him a healthy amount of attention and appearing needy. The simplest trick is to make sure he doesn’t return calls or respond to your texts as soon as he receives them.
Make him wait. Let him see that he is not the only priority in your life. Most men love a chase. But if you are always there waiting for him, you suck all the excitement out of the relationship for him.

4. Take things slowly

We also recommend that you take things slowly if you want to attract him. Don’t get involved – physically and emotionally – right from the first date. It is better to control the pace of the relationship. If you don’t let him miss you, you will lose control of the whole situation. If things keep moving too fast, they may also end too soon.

5. Wear a unique perfume

Whenever you are around your man, find a scent that is sweet and subtle (and one that lingers). Remember: smell is often linked to memory, so every time he smells your perfume, he will think of you.

6. Add some mystery to your experiences together

If you’ve just started dating, don’t share your entire life story during a single date. Say a few things and leave him wanting to hear more.

7. Have adventures with him (and his friends)

Men want to be the main reason they smile, and they won’t love the idea of meeting someone else who is making you laugh. Make sure he knows you’re having a great time with your friends, and that he’ll miss being the reason you’re grinning from ear to ear. Also, having so many fun adventures with your mister and his friends will certainly boost your positivity, making you even more attractive. No one wants to hang out with a negative Nancy all the time.

8. Show a little interest in someone (or something) else

Men hate competitors, especially if he is interested in you. If you’re dating, casually hint that you want to date someone else. If you’re married, hint that you like to spend time in the pottery studio or in the garden. Just don’t overdo it – a little jealousy should be done in moderation.

9. Give yourself a makeover

Dress in a way that makes him want to hold onto you for a little longer on that dance floor. When you go out for the night, wear a little more makeup and do your hair the way he likes it. Let your elegantly beautiful image remain in his mindset after he separates from you.

10. Leave him wanting more

Take a walk with him, cook him the best meal, and leave some conversations for the future. Be lots of fun and exciting, but make him earn that kiss goodbye. Let him crave your contagious laughter and company. Be generous while still playing hard to get. These tactics will make him miss you when he separates from you.
Source:stylecraze.com, medicine-health-life.blogspot.com