Home Health 8 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t Sleep With Him

8 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t Sleep With Him

10 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t Sleep With Him

1. You don’t REALLY want to do it.

If you ever feel the urge to stop sleeping with him, stop! You don’t want to do it. Plain and simple. You don’t have to offer any explanation for this. Remember, this is a huge step and you have every right to say a no. You should not be pressurized and end up doing something you don’t want to do.

2. You only want to do it because you think it is what he expects of you.

You should only sleep with him because YOU want to do it – not because you think it’s what he might want from you. You own your body – so take ownership of it. Don’t let your body be used as someone else’s object of pleasure.

3. He has been really inconsistent in his efforts toward you.

If you’re going to sleep with him, even when he hasn’t been the best boyfriend for you, then you’re essentially reinforcing the bad behavior. Let him know that if he wants your body, he’s going to have to earn it. Let him know that you’re not happy and that he needs to step up if he expects you to treat him right.

4. You want something serious, but he’s not interested in that.

He just wants something casual. But you want something more. What do you do? You only set yourself up for heartbreak if you think that sleeping with him is going to be your chance to get him to commit to you. It rarely works out that way. And you shouldn’t be so naive as to believe that something like that would actually work.

5. You only want a casual hookup, but he really wants to pursue you.

And conversely, you just want to have fun, but he wants something more. You shouldn’t be so bad as to lead him on by sleeping with him. You are getting his hopes up by doing so. And you’ll be breaking his heart once you’ve sidelined him after you’ve slept with him.

6. He is the ex of someone you know.

This can only lead to one thing: drama. Friends of exes and friends of exes should be off limits out of respect for the other members of the party. There are many men in the world, why would you sleep with one who is associated with your ex? Unless you want drama or trouble, there is no reason to sleep with a friend of an ex. Avoid the situation completely and just don’t do it.

7. Both of you are just really drunk.

Alcohol and sᴇx never make good combinations. You’re not going to have a good night in the sack if your mentally impaired because of alcohol intoxication. And they probably won’t remember it anyway, so why bother?

8. Refuses to have safe sᴇx with you.

If a man refuses to use protection, there is no reason to sleep with him. I cannot stress enough the importance of being safe during sᴇxual intercourse. This is something that can truly alter your life forever, and if a man doesn’t respect that, then there is no chance you will ever be able to sleep with him. Not only is there the aspect of getting pregnant, but there is the idea of STDs. No man is ever worth ending up with a disease, especially if they simply refuse to use protection. This is a telling sign that you are about to sleep with a selfish little guy.

Source:therichest.com, relrules.com, lovequotes.tips