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Here are 13 signs he will love you no matter how many flaws you have

Here are 13 signs he will love you no matter how many flaws you have

1. Your bad haircut doesn’t make you

Any guy who loves the real thing won’t care about your hair. Day or night, he’ll think you look great.

2. You are beautiful to him, even with or without makeup.

If the man who says he loves you takes your face in his hands, a face showing all your flaws and imperfections without makeup, and tells you he loves you, he trusts you.

3. Your aging will not bother him either

He will not see such flaws in your body as something to degrade him, but quite the opposite; they will only make him love you more.

4. Your weight doesn’t define you.

He couldn’t care less if you were underweight or overweight; he sees the beauty of your head and heart, literally. He may find you fat and adorable, but never a good reason for him to love you a little less or respect you a little less.

5. He supports you

In a relationship, the testing times are the ones that tell you if you have a future together. If you are unemployed, homeless, and lacking confidence and he stays with you through it, then you know he is a partner for life.

6. He doesn’t leave your side when you feel down

No one can be happy and confident all the time, and every now and then, everyone has a bad day.

And if he’s on hand to cheer you up with a home cooked meal, a massage or even just willing to listen to you complain about your problems; then it’s a sign that his love is unconditional.

7. He doesn’t control you

If he values your freedom and gives you the opportunity to explore and travel, don’t mess things up with him, because finding such guys is very rare in this modern age.

8. He give you space.

Life is not always comfortable, and even the friendliest people may need a time out now and then for some self-discovery. If he is really for you, he will understand this and give you uninterrupted space to enjoy and relax in solitude or with your friends.

9. He doesn’t try to change you

He stands by his position because he is in it for his originality, not a personality that can change to his own liking. He finds his peace to love the crazy person you are and that is unconditional love in every sense of the word.

10. He doesn’t mind your attitude and mood

He will tolerate your attitude and will not let it become a part of you. This is how his love for you goes deep. Women’s attitudes and moods are prone to change more. Some aspects of your personality may also change with your moods.

11. He forgives you and your mistakes

He is the best when he knows very well that all humans are allowed some mistakes during their life. Even when you don’t forgive yourself, he forgives you without a second thought and he can show you how to do to forgive yourself as well.

12. He gives you a third chance

It’s hard enough to give someone a second chance; most people take it for granted. But if your man gives you one and then the third, if the need is, his feelings for you are as true as can be because he believes in you. If your man tells you he can do better, he doesn’t want to give up on you.

13. He helps you deal with your past

Someone who truly loves you accepts you with your past and future. If you have a troubled past, your man will help you deal with it not only by being supportive but also by making you see it as lessons to be learned. He will draw strength from your past and that is why he is the right past.

Source:peacequarters.com, relrules.com, hackspirit.com