Home Funny 7 body parts that men first look at a woman

7 body parts that men first look at a woman

Ladies, have you ever wondered what a guy really notices when he meets you for the first time? Join the club–it’s the question countless women have wondered any time we’re checked out or approached–or not approached–by a new guy.

In an effort to uncover what it really is that attracts a guy’s attention, we scoped out the five things men notice first when they meet a new woman. Read on, and prepare to be surprised.

Image source: datelicious.com.au

1. The face

The face is usually the first thing most guys look at and trust me when I say a lot is judged from just looking at the face. How pretty the lady is, her makeup, her smile, her frown, her eyes, her lashes, the shape of the face, everything that pertains to the face is observed; and within a micro second, a guy can notice almost everything about the face, making their remarks in their mind as well.

2. The boobs

Whether you like it or not, when a guy wants to take a look at you, he would as well take a sharp look at your boobs. The major things he notices about the boobs are the size and shape. Mind you, guys have different taste when it comes to boobs; some may like it big while some may like it small but it really doesn’t matter to some though. But whether it matters or not, I noticed guys take a look at a lady’s boobs.

3. The butt.

When you leave, he will likely grab a glimpse of your buttocks. Most gentlemen either fall more squarely in the ‘breast’ or ‘butt’ camp.

4. The hair

I was surprised to find out that the hair of a lady also takes considerable notice from guys. Guys also get attracted or pushed away by a lady’s hair. The style of the hair passes a lot of message to guys. If you carry an old, tattered hair, guys would obviously notice and if the hair is nice and very fashionable, guys would admire as well.

5. Her shape

A lady’s shape is also closely observed by guys. By shape, the overall viewing of the lady is considered; her height, size, hip shape and size, ass, belly, leg; everything, the whole body structure is considered. Within seconds, a guy can determine how good a lady’s shape is; ever wondered why guys often say “she has a very good shape”. Guys love a good shape and they always take notice as well.

6. Mouth

Your mouth. A lady’s mouth is often the very first part of a woman a guy will see. Not only are great lips and teeth sᴇxʏ, but guys will look to your mouth for social cues, as it’s the most expressive feature you possess. A warm, inviting smile might communicate, ‘Here I am, come talk to me.’ A sly, seductive smirk might convey, ‘You can try, but you’ll have to work for it.’ And a scowl may suggest, ‘Turn around, and head back to your mother’s basement.’

7. Eyes.

Though a less tactful guy might get caught sneaking a peek at other assets, your eyes are what a guy should be looking at during conversation. But any experienced guy will want to look into your eyes for more than just their lovely aesthetic properties. A lot of information can be conveyed and received via eye contact, and any guy trying to get to know you will look to yours as a means of flirting and reading signals.

Sources: elcrema.com, punchng.com