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This Is What The Position Of Your Birthmark On Your Body Means For You

This Is What The Position Of Your Birthmark On Your Body Means For You

In fact, birthmarks on a specific location on your body indicate something that is different from what might be indicated by a birthmark elsewhere. So here we take a look at what it means to have birthmarks on the following parts of your body.

1. Forehead

A mark on the right of the forehead indicates intelligence, possession of knowledge, and prominence in academic and skill areas, while one on the left is meant to convey creativity, spontaneity, and extravagance. However, if you have it in the center of your forehead, you are likely to have a colorful love life

2. Face

A birthmark on your face is like a mark of destiny. People with this mark are known to be achievers and leaders in their fields. They lead by example, adapt to situations, and move forward with a sense of absolute certainty.

3. Chest

A birthmark on your chest means that you have a loving heart and a bright future ahead of you. Not everyone has this, but those who do have it in them have love that transcends everything. You love others unconditionally and have an immense capacity to give. It is not just a birthmark, but a mark of a beautiful heart!

4. Shoulder/Back

If you have a birthmark on your shoulder blades, it means that your life will have a higher purpose. You are motivated by a higher calling and need a partner who has a similar calling or who understands yours.

People with a birthmark on your back are open, honest and quite direct. You are not manipulative and try not to stoop to low levels. You either accept someone for who they are or you reject them. You would never let anyone be held back.

5. Stomach

A birthmark on the stomach means that you have a contented personality and are someone who is satisfied with what they have in life and would like to live in peace and harmony. You prefer a jovial, happy life full of laughter and hate chaos and turmoil.

6. Legs

Born to go farther than anyone else, your birthmark would be a constant reminder of how far you have yet to go and all that you have yet to achieve. This birthmark means that you will never stop and will find peace through all your efforts.

7. Arms/Hands and Feet

If you have a birthmark on your arms or hands, it means that you are patient and able to restrain yourself. Every time you are about to do something wrong, your mark reminds you to do the right thing.

A birthmark on your feet reveals that you are a trendsetter, someone who sets the standards, which becomes an inspiration to everyone around you. He gravitates towards people going out and loves to be the center of attention.

Source:timesofindia.indiatimes.com, apost.com