Home Health Frozen meat taken from the refrigerator: don’t rush to soak in water....

Frozen meat taken from the refrigerator: don’t rush to soak in water. Add some drops of this mixture to make it soften and fresh in a few minutes

Adding A Few Drops Of This Will Help Warm Your Meat So It Will Help Defrost Meat Quickly. At the same time, the meat also retains its natural color, flavor and nutrients after that.

Many housewives have a habit of freezing pork so that they do not have to go to the market too many times. When cooking, most people will defrost pork by using microwave or soaking it in water. However, soaking in water will make the meat reduce pork’s taste while microwave ovens are not available in every home.

Fortunately, there is a very quick and perfect way to defrost no matter how hard your meat is. Accordingly, you just need to put a few drops of this on and it will defrost in 3 minutes. Here’s how to do:

– Step 1: Prepare a pot of water with the size suitable for the piece of frozen pork
– Step 2: Add a few drops of white vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to the water
– Step 3: Stir until the salt and vinegar are dissolved in the water.
– Step 4: Drop your pork into the mixture
(Note: do not put the meat in the water at the beginning, it will make the meat pale. Wait for the salt and vinegar to dissolve before adding)

Many people worry that adding vinegar to the water to soak meat will make the meat smell bad and affect its taste. However, white vinegar not only does not reduce the taste of pork but also makes pork less fishy and fresher.

The main purpose of adding white vinegar is to speed up the defrosting of frozen meat. In white vinegar contains a lot of acetic acid, acetic acid so it can lower the freezing point of water and play a role in rapid defrosting. Defrost meat with white vinegar only takes 3-5 minutes, and it does not take time to cook.

Meanwhile, if you add salt, it will help reduce bacteria and salt will also act as a catalyst to make the meat defrost faster.

In addition, you can also refer to a few other ways to defrost meat:

1. Lemon

Put a few slices of lemon and ginger in the water, then soak the meat for 10 minutes, the meat will soften slowly. Ginger and lemon help defrost meat quickly. It has a natural fragrance and it is also effective in eliminating bacteria and bad smell of meat.

2. “Natural” defrosting

Take your frozen meat out of the fridge and keep it at room temperature before you go home from work. Then you have a perfect piece of fresh defrost meat and in almost… no time!

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