Home Life Only A Few Lucky People Have The Line Of The Guardian Angel...

Only A Few Lucky People Have The Line Of The Guardian Angel On Their Palm. Check If You Have It And Its Meaning

Only A Few Lucky People Have The Line Of The Guardian Angel On Their Palm. Check If You Have It And Its Meaning

Take a close look at your left and right hand. If you find that you have a guardian angel line, consider yourself really lucky because this line indicates that you’re protected from misfortune, no matter what kind of hardships you may be faced with.

Since ancient times, people have believed that their future is written on the lines of their hands. Our left hand is said to have our past life written on it, while our right hand reveals our present and future.

In palmistry, however, both hands are interpreted, while the guardian angel line is thought to be a very good sign.

The guardian angel line shows that you’re protected by a higher power. If you have it, this line is located near your line of life and indicates that you’re shielded from all kinds of severe twists and turns in life.

Few people actually have it on their hand but those that do are indeed lucky, for they’ll be protected from misfortune of any kind.

The guardian angel line is also called the “second line of life.” And not because it’s in proximity to it but because it signifies salvation, protection and strong support.

Be grateful to God fate, your destiny,and your guardian angel if you are born with such a line.

Be grateful to God fate, your destiny,and your guardian angel if you are born with such a line.

Guardian angel line can occur in this variants:

1. Parallel to the line of life, the whole length – People with this guardian angel line are protected from bad things in his life.

2. Small line that runs along the line of life (barely visible or dashed) – People with this line type may have problems and nuisances, but they will fade away sooner or later.

3. On the right hand – this is a gift to that person for his personal qualities.It can be regarded as a gift for the good things done in life or experienced distress.

4. On the left hand – This is a gift to the person which he/she received it from the moment of birth.This phenomenon is most often inherited from the family.
