Home Funny 8 Things That Side Chicks Do Better Than A Wife

8 Things That Side Chicks Do Better Than A Wife

8 Things That Side Chicks Do Better Than A Wife

A wife/spouse (known as main chick) has higher expectations for her man. A side chick often doesn’t have expectations and even if she does it is usually not a big deal.

Below is 8 things side chicks do better than the main chick.

1. No break-up

There is no awkward ending, no over dramatic ending, just something that can end at anytime with no strings attached.

2. Less stress

You don’t have to be bothered with someone else’s stress or problems because she already has someone else to talk to that about.

3. Multitask better

Side chicks know how to multitask better than a main chick. They will always ensure they have time to meet you even if they’re super busy. They always try and fit you in their schedule.

4. Be undercover

Side chicks are very good at not being seen during the daytime and they often are good not mixing with your friends and having a different life away from you.

5. Not leaving evidence

Side chicks are good at not leaving anything in the car, no lipstick marks, no perfumes, not even a strand of hair. If they leave something, they’ll sure let you know as soon as possible.

6. Keep things interesting

A side chick always keeps things fun and exciting. They do whatever to keep things exciting.

7. Always look their best

Side chicks always keep up with the latest fashion and look their best always. You will always see them looking their best.

8. No drama

Side chicks do not start up fights or get angry because you forgot their birthday. They are often humble and know where they stand.