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9 traits of a selfish, patriarchal person: Men who have just one of these 9 are enough to make wife suffer lifetime

9 traits of a selfish, patriarchal person: Men having just one of these 9 is enough to make wife suffer lifetime

Being married to a selfish husband is like a living nightmare. This type of husband is someone who looks after his own needs ahead of his spouse. He does not take into account the feelings and needs of his spouse as long as his own are met. As a result, his wife feels neglected and disrespected.

You might think that it is easy to spot a selfish husband. However, it’s not always so obvious. Here are some of the warning signs you need to keep an eye out for if you want to know if you are dealing with a selfish husband.

1. He constantly puts himself first.

If you have a selfish husband, you know that he constantly puts himself first, regardless of the situation. He is so preoccupied with himself that he could care less about your demands and needs.

2. He thinks he’s always right

Does your husband behave in such a way that he thinks he does nothing wrong? Then, he could be what is considered a selfish husband.

Open and honest communication is essential to a healthy marriage. This means that you have to be willing to acknowledge when you are wrong. If your husband cannot do this, then it signals narcissistic behavior. And narcissistic and selfish personalities go hand in hand.

3. He is always the boss

This is a very common sign. He does not consider your feelings or even opinion because he always wants to be in control. This makes him disrespectful and arrogant whenever things do not go his way.

4. He isn’t available when you need him.

When things are rough in our lives, we need someone by our side to console us and be there for us when the going gets tough. Unfortunately, if you have a selfish husband who doesn’t get it, he won’t do anything to cheer you up or even notice if you’re depressed.

5. He shows no interests in your interests

If he is only interested in his own hobbies, your husband is definitely selfish. While it is completely healthy to have separate interests to grow as individuals, when he refuses to develop an interest in your hobbies and passions in life, then that says a lot about him.

A healthy marriage consists of two individuals that support each other. If there is no support, your marriage won’t be able to grow and thrive.

6. He is always criticizing you.

Your selfish husband will never be satisfied, no matter how hard you try to satisfy him, and as a result, he will continuously criticize you.

7. He rarely apologizes

When you find that your husband rarely says sorry, this should be a red flag that you have a selfish husband. Selfish individuals rarely find fault with their actions and instead, they always blame their partners. This means that according to them, they are always right which is why they see no need to apologize since they can do no wrong.

8. He doesn’t compliment you

Compliments are essential in every relationship as they make us feel good and appreciated. So, when your husband rarely compliments you it shows that he is a self-centered individual. Selfish persons find it hard to compliment other people because they do not care about their efforts and achievements.

9. He does not reach out after a fight

Most couples reconcile immediately and discuss what can be done to address the cause of the fighting.

If your husband does not attempt to reach out to you after a fight, it is a tell-tale sign of selfish behavior. He has way too much pride to reach out and make the initial point of communication. For him, it is not about reconciliation but proving to you that he is on the winning side.

Unfortunately, there are no winners when couples argue. But selfish husbands do not see it that way.