Home Health Lemon and Garlic Recipe: I Can’t Believe This Mixture Can Solve These...

Lemon and Garlic Recipe: I Can’t Believe This Mixture Can Solve These Health Problems Better Than Expensive Medications

On their own lemon and garlic are incredible health promoting foods that can promote the health of our bodies in many different ways, in fact some even consider both lemon and garlic to be super food in their own right

When mixed together the mixture bears a nutritional and antioxidant powerhouse that can prevent disease and infection and treat unwanted body ailments.

Here we have listed different types of remedies using garlic and lemon that improve your health and save you from high medical expenses.

1. Lemon and Garlic Recipe for Cleaning Arteries

This is the most effective recipe. Honey being delicious sweet syrup also packs a lot of antioxidants, B Vitamins, Niacin, Folic acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, calcium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Magnesium, Chromium, and the never-ending list continues.

The honey is mixed with the Apple Cider Vinegar that is rich in Vitamin B1, B2, and B6 along with folic acid, biotin, niacin, Vitamin C and many other essential minerals.

Ingredients you will need:

Lemon Juice (1 Cup)
Ginger Juice (1 Cup)
Garlic Juice (1 Cup)
Apple Cider Vinegar (1 Cup)
Organic/Natural Honey (3 Cups)

How to use

Heat up a saucepan/pot containing the mixture of lemon juice, garlic juice, ginger juice and apple cider vinegar.

While heating the mixture stir it thoroughly until one cup of the liquid has been evaporated into thin air or 30 mins.

After this mixture is ready, let it sit for few minutes until colled properly. Pour the mixture into a glass bottle or a jar along with the 3 cups of honey.

Mix everything well and store it in the refrigerator. You can consume a tablespoon of this mixture every day ahead of your breakfast on an empty stomach.

2. Artery Cleansing Drink Recipe

Astringent is basically the flavor of a super ingredient that we are going to use for this mixture. Can you guess it? Well, it’s none other than Clove!

The clove holds many health benefits including better digestion, has cancer-fighting agents, protect the liver, control diabetes, makes the skeletal system strong and greatly boosts the immune system.

Clove contains essential oils such as acetyl eugenol, vanillin, maslinic acid, etc. It features vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, C, E, K, Folates, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin with traces of sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zin and lot more.

Ingredients you will Need:

Lemon Pulp cut into tiny pieces (3 Quantity)
Well ground Cloves (5-6 )
Thoroughly peeled and peeled garlic (15 Bulbs)
Fresh Filtered Water (1 Liters)

How to use

Add the lemon, garlic, and cloves to a blender along with half the water as compared to the mixture. Blend it well to form a fine paste.

After that, pour that mixture into a bowl and add the remaining water to it. After adding the water it will form a light watery texture like a juice. Keep it still for sometime after mixing it well.

Filter the juice using a strainer and store it in the refrigerator. It is very important that you must store the mixture in a glass container as plastic may lead to toxins.

Consume this mixture thrice daily for 3 weeks and then pause for a week and continuing the same for a period of 6 months.

Lemon and garlic recipes to lower cholesterol and clean arteries.

3. Lemon and Garlic Drink for High blood pressure

Lemon and garlic are very good for the heart. There are many studies which have shown that they can be helpful in lowering blood pressure. They have been used for centuries to help reduce the chances of getting it. In fact, some researchers say that lemon and garlic could lower your blood pressure by as much as 25%.

This ingredient is purely based on our main ingredients that are garlic and lemon without the addition of any third ingredient.

This is easier to consume for those who are not a big fan of lemony garlic taste. Apart from clearing your heart blockage, it keeps your hydrated and active whole day.

Lemon Pulp cut into tiny pieces (3 Quantity)
Peeled garlic (10-12 Bulbs)
Fresh Filtered Water (1 Liters)

How to use:

Add the lemon, garlic to a blender along with half the water as compared to the mixture. Blend it well to form a fine paste.

After that, pour that mixture into a bowl and add the remaining water to it. Boil the mixture for about 5 to 10 minutes and allow it cool for another 10 minutes.

After it’s cooled properly, use a strainer to filter the juice for any residue. Consume the mixture for six months while keeping it safe in the refrigerator.

4. Lemon and Garlic Drink for Cholesterol Recipe

This drink is a very healthy and natural drink that you can make at home. It is also called lemon garlic tea or ginger tea in some countries.

It helps to lower cholesterol levels by improving the HDL level of your body, which is known as good cholesterol. This also helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases because it has anti-oxidants in it that help to protect the heart from free radicals and prevents hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis)


4 cups Water
2 tbsp Honey
Half Freshly squeezed lemon juice
4 cloves Garlic, minced
2 tsp Ginger root, grated

How to Make

1) In a saucepan over medium heat, bring water to a boil. then add grated ginger, lemon juice and garlic; stir well.
2) Cover pot with lid and let stand for 10 minutes
3) Strain mixture
4) Add half cup honey and mix it well.
5) Lemon and garlic drink recipe is ready.
6) Drink early in the morning at empty stomach.


  1. Effect of Garlic and Lemon Juice Mixture on Lipid Profile and Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People 30-60 Years Old with Moderate Hyperlipidaemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  2. Effect on Blood Pressure of Daily Lemon Ingestion
  3. Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects