Home Health Forget Laxatives, Here Are Things That Relieve Constipation Better

Forget Laxatives, Here Are Things That Relieve Constipation Better

Chances are you’ve experienced constipation at one point or another. If the problem is more than occasional or includes severe pain or bleeding, it’s important to check in with your doctor, as these symptoms can be a sign of a more serious digestive disorder. But in most cases, constipation is just a sign that you need to consider your diet. Luckily, there are plenty of foods you can eat that have positive effects on bowel movements! Let’s consider some foods that relieve constipation better than laxatives.


1. Green vegetables.

Brussel sprouts, spinach and broccoli can also relieve constipation. They add more weight to your stools and make them softer. In addition to having a lot of fiber, these vegetables contain potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and K, which are good for your overall health.

2. Pears and Apples

Both contain a lot of water and high amounts of fiber, which naturally help bowel movements overall, and they contain plenty of helpful components for gut health.

One of the fibers contained in apples is called pectin, which is great for increasing stool water content, making stools softer and heavier through the use of fatty acids. Studies have shown pectin can boost stool travel time, too! The best apples to consume for constipation are the Granny Smith variety. On the other hand, pears have high fructose, which stimulates the bowels; and sorbitol, which acts as a minor laxative.

3. Citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits have a lot of fiber, including pectin, which is important in keeping your guts healthy and relieving constipation. Citrus fruits have a lot of water in them which creates a laxative effect in your guts. In addition, they contain a lot of vitamin C, which also boosts your immune system.

4. Prunes

Prunes are fantastic for constipation. Thanks to their high-fiber content, they help bowel movements by increasing water content in stools while improving stool weight through fatty acids. Prunes also contain special phenolic compounds and a sugar alcohol called sorbitol, both of which boost gastrointestinal health.

Not only do they produce a mild laxative effect, but they also stimulate the production of good bacteria. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that people who consume just 10 prunes a day – approximately 100g – experience more frequent bowel movements and see better consistency of waste. You can also drink prune juice if you prefer.

5. Whole wheat bread and pasta.

Whole wheat bread and pasta contain fiber which adds weight to stools. If you like bread which has seeds and nuts in it, the effect is even better. Whole white bread is also known to work better and faster than synthetic laxatives.

6. Flaxseed.

It has been used for treating constipation for quite a long time. Flaxseed is a natural laxative which contains a lot of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. If you eat one spoon of flaxseed every day, you get 11 percent of the recommended fiber intake.

7. Kiwi.

Kiwi has the highest amount of fiber out of all the above mentioned foods. If you eat two kiwis per day, you reduce the risk of getting constipated and you also soften your stools.

8. Raspberries and Blackberries

These fruits have high water content and lots of fiber, so they have been known to relieve constipation well. Thanks to their high vitamin C content and a good boost of calcium, they’re generally good, healthy fruits to eat regularly. Do note that you shouldn’t consume too much of these fruits daily due to their high fat and sugar content, but they’re safe to eat in a small handful, mixed with cream or yogurt, or even in baked goods.