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8 Signs That The Man Has No Serious Intentions And This Relationship Will Only Bring You Suffering

8 Signs That The Man Has No Serious Intentions And This Relationship Will Only Bring You Suffering

1. He Calls You Only When He Needs Something

If the man you’re dating calls you only when he wants something from you, it’s a sign that he really doesn’t want to pursue a relationship with you. He often ignores your calls, but when he needs physical intimacy, emotional support, or just a chore to be completed – he thinks of you.

2. If you let him, he will make a fool of you.

If from the beginning he did nothing like that and your relationship has become just virtual, you should think about it. Otherwise, there is a very high probability that serious problems await you in the future.

3. Flirting without dating

He loves to flirt and will do anything to get your attention. He is always happy to see you, but his interest does not go beyond casual encounters. That should give you a hint of the frivolity of his intentions.

4. He says he has never loved

If he has never loved anyone , then he does not want a relationship. Don’t fall into this trap.

5. Correspondence, but that’s all

Don’t waste your time. It doesn’t matter how much fun you have corresponding with him or how interested he is. If his intentions are serious, he would make time to see you.

6. He’s just divorced and not ready for a serious relationship, but wants to see “how far this can go”

If a man tells you he doesn’t want a serious relationship, then he is.

7. He orders takeout but never invites you to a restaurant

Your dates include ordering food to your house and watching a movie on the couch. He comes to your place, but never invites you to a restaurant for dinner. He probably doesn’t want to risk being seen in the company of another woman because he’s already in a relationship or even married.

8. You are always the initiator of meetings

When you call and ask him to do something, he agrees to meet you. But the initiative never comes from him. Most likely it’s because he just likes having fun with you, but that’s about it.