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What Does It Mean When A Lady Looks At You And Flickering Of The Eyes, Crossing Of Legs And Biting Of Lips

What Does It Mean When A Lady Looks At You And Flickering Of The Eyes, Crossing Of Legs And Biting Of Lips

Body languages among females are common when the have a crush on a guy and most of the common body language includes:- Flickering of the eyes, crossing of legs and biting of lips.

Female Body Language Signs Of Attraction

1. She Will Keep Playing With Her Hair

When women try and act flirtatious with you, their hand automatically goes to their hair and they start twirling it around or swiftly move them with their fingers. They curl or twirl them, or simply throw them off their shoulders, thereby drawing your attention there. The reason behind pulling her hair back is to make her facial features and neck more prominent, in a subconscious attempt to appear alluring.

2. She’ll Flash A Genuine Smile At You

If you see her smiling genuinely at you, that’s another strong indicator. If her smile is forced or looks courteous, where she’s not showing any teeth and the smile seems tight, then she’s just being polite, but if you find her grinning from cheek to cheek, she’s definitely attracted to you, or at least wants to get to know you.

3. She makes eye contact

If she is making eye contact with you and looking at your lips from time to time, it means that your lips are distracting her and she is thinking about how it would feel to have them on hers.

4. She’ll Bite Her Lip

Lip biting could be a sign of nervousness and if you find her doing it while she’s talking to you, then you know she’s as interested in talking to you as you are in her. This is a very subconscious attempt to get your attention, BTW.

5. She’s Comfortable With Touching

By touch I mean, if she’s placing her hand on your shoulders while talking to you, that’s definitely a sign of her flirting with you. Sometimes women also touch themselves unknowingly (no, not what you’re thinking!), to calm their excitement. She may rub her thighs or her arms or keep crossing or non-crossing her legs either out of excitement or sheer nervousness.

6. She’ll Mirror You

Mirroring is a very positive sign with body language. Mirroring is when she is imitating your actions subconsciously. Which means, you’ve taken the lead and she’s quite into you by now. So if you pick up your drink, she’ll pick up hers or if you cross your legs, she’ll cross hers.

7. Flaring Nostrils

This can’t be controlled. She can’t do this on purpose and according to experts if a girl is drawn towards you, she will flare her nostrils. It sounds weird but it is true- as this is uncontrollable and if this happens just know that she likes you.

8. Multiple Leg Crosses

If a woman is crossing her legs, either she is nervous or this is an act to seek attention. Also, if her knees are pointed towards you, then she really likes you.

9. She leans her body into you

People tend to tilt their heads toward those they are most comfortable with or like. When a woman leans into you, it pretty much means the same thing, she trusts you enough to initiate that tad bit of physical proximity. Maybe she wants to send a signal, but even if this leaning in is an accidental one, this is for sure, she likes you.

10. Preening

She is continuously fixing herself in front of you. She might knowingly or unknowingly do this as she is risking fixing herself in front of you while she has your attention already because she cares about what you think. Hence, she is making an effort to look perfect and stand out.

11. She blinks a lot

If her blinking is accompanied by a slight tilt in her head. It is because she is not just blinking, but batting her eyelids to charm you. Eyes that flutter show arousal or heightened emotions.