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7 Things That Can Tell You A Lot About A Man, Check This Out That Will Help You Avoid Unnecessary Pain And Disappointment

7 Things That Can Tell You A Lot About A Man, Check This Out That Will Help You Avoid Unnecessary Pain And Disappointment

1. How he keeps his promises to you

This is not about wedding vows, but about his attitude towards his promises in everyday moments.

If a guy consistently doesn’t follow through on anything he says, then he’s not trustworthy and not responsible, or maybe he just doesn’t value you.

2. How he treats other people

The way he treats strangers, specially to the service staff, to strangers on the street, sellers, people who are subordinate to him, people of lower social status is identical indicative of his character.

3. What does his car look like

It’s not about the high price of the car, but what’s in it: is it clean, everything inside is in order, are there any leftovers of food. This also helps create an impression of what kind of person is standing in front of you.

4. How he behaves when he makes a mistake

We all make mistakes. But when you point it out respectfully, how does he react? He apologizes and says he’ll try not to do it again? Does he make excuses, defend himself, or remain silent? Does he blame you too, accuse you of exaggerating, does he remind you of your old mistakes?

5. How does he act when you are wrong

The way he react when you wrong shows how much he can relied on in difficult times. When you admit your mistake and apologize how does he react? Is he treated with respect and compassion? Does he act sarcastic and say “You always …” or “You never …” Does it humiliate you?

6. How he behaves with people he needs something from

Is he very polite with you, and when he does not need you – completely different? Does he flatter and try to make friends with his superiors and speak disrespectfully to his subordinates?

7. How similar is his real life to what he shows on the social network

We all want to look good in the eyes of others, but if his image on the network is completely different from reality, it is worth thinking about why he does it. He is not confident in himself, the opinion of others is too important for him, or he just likes to live a fictional life. In all three cases, this does not speak well for him and your future relationship.