Home News After being victimized by the manager, a 67-year-old cleaner shares a poignant...

After being victimized by the manager, a 67-year-old cleaner shares a poignant lesson in his resignation letter.

Everyone ought to be shown respect, regardless of their work status. Unfortunately, some people continue to be unaware of this fact. Joe Cousins’ mother, Julie, was a cleaner for 35 years. During that period, she met a lot of beautiful people while doing work she loved. Then, in 2021, an incident with a terrible manager caused her to submit her resignation letter.

Julie spent her last five years working for HSBC Bank in the United Kingdom. Here, it appears that one boss in particular caused problems. She even looked down on Julie because of her work. Ironically, the manager’s name is also Julie. Finally, a particularly nasty encounter convinced Joe’s mother that it was time to retire—but not before saying goodbye to the other Julie.

Julie composed a letter to better describe her feelings. She may have chosen to be disrespectful to her management. Instead, she devised a kind but forceful approach to inform her that her acts are inappropriate.

Woman Shares Wise Words in Resignation Letter After Being Bullied by Manager.

“I’ve left the job, Julie, after the way you dressed me down in the office,” Joe’s mom, Julie, writes. “It was nothing more than aggressive and cruel but that’s a reflection on your character not mine.”

Joe was so proud of his mother that he decided to share her well-written letter online. Julie has received international support as a result of her efforts. Part of the reason this letter has received so much attention is Julie’s parting words of wisdom, not only for her manager but also for the rest of her colleagues.

“So going forward, please, all of you remember,” Julie writes, “in a world when you can be anything, be kind because you are all no better than the cleaner.”

Although it’s upsetting that it was best for Julie to leave her work at that time, the Cousins’ family can confidently report that she’s more than happy enjoying her new retirement life.

“And this is why I love my mum,” Joe shares. “She’s been cleaning banks for 35 years and today walked out with this lovely note left for that awful manager. Happy retirement Mum — always have the last laugh eh!”