Home Quiz Answer This Riddle And See How Smart You Are!

Answer This Riddle And See How Smart You Are!

There was 10 apples in a tree,
and 10 people was passing by.
Each took an apple and left 9 apples hanging there.
How is this possible?

Ever since this riddle “10 apples hanging high” appeared online, many have tried to answer it and only few have been able to get its answer right.

Scroll down for answer:

The correct answer for 10 apples hanging high riddle is “Each” was the name of one of the ten people passing by, he took an apple from the 10 apples of the tree, and left nine apples hanging there.

Leave a comment if you ACTUALLY got the correct solution before reading the complete article, or if you have an other answer for this riddle. And let us know if you’ve heard of any other great riddles!