Home Health Avoid putting your phone in these 7 places. No.3 everyone is doing

Avoid putting your phone in these 7 places. No.3 everyone is doing

Nowadays, it seems that practically nobody goes out without a cellphone with them. However, research shows that there are a lot of places where you shouldn’t keep your phone for extended periods of time, since it may actually end up damaging your health or your phone. Here are 7 places to avoid putting your phone

1. Your Shirt’s Pocket

It is safest to put your smartphone near your chest so you will have less of a chance of it getting stolen. However, it is not safe to put your phone in the pocket close to your heart.

While experts have debated this, doctors suggest people to avoid keeping any mobile device in the chest pocket of the shirt, especially if it’s connected to a wireless network. At this point, your body is getting radiation up to two to seven times higher than when you place it in a bag

2. Your Bra

Some research and case studies show that keeping your phone in your bra could be linked to breast c.a.n.c.e.r due to the radiations and vibrations from the phone.

By stashing your cell phone in your bra/bra strap, you are subjecting your breast tissue to the harmful effects of electromagnetic wireless energy, both the thermal effect and the physiological effects

3. Your Trousers’ Pocket

Women carry bags, men usually don’t. This is why men usually store cell phones in their front pocket. Safe and convenient, isn’t it? Well it’s not. It is convenient, but it is not safe. Studies show that keeping phones for prolonged hours in the front pocket can harm male fertility and adversely affect sperm quality.

4. Back Pocket

There are a number of reasons why keeping your phone in your back pocket is a terrible idea. First of all, it’s very easy to forget about your phone when it’s in your back pocket, which could cause you to break it, lose it, or even dial somebody by accident. It could also disrupt your circulation, resulting in you feeling pain in your legs or stomach.

5. Under Your Pillow

You shouldn’t store your phone under your pillow. Radiation may cause you to experience dizziness or headaches, and if your screen lights up with each notification you receive, your melatonin production may also end up being disrupted. If you want a good night’s sleep, then keep your cell phone far away from your pillow!

6. Close To Your Head While Sleeping

Recent research shows how harmful it can be for you to keep your phone close to your head while sleeping. Smartphones emit high levels of radiation which can cause dysfunction or unbalance to your biological clock. In this way, sleeping next to your phone could actually lead to more nightmares because your cardiac rhythm could be thrown for a loop.

Your phone should be at least three feet away from your bed to limit radio frequency exposure

7. On a Charger

While leaving your cell phone charging all night long won’t harm your health, it’ll significantly reduce the battery’s efficiency and reduce your phone’s lifespan. If you can’t afford to replace your phone anytime soon, then make sure you unplug it as soon as it finishes charging.

References: ba-bamail.com, trendinginkenya.com