Home Health Before going to bed, happy couples surely do these 10 things

Before going to bed, happy couples surely do these 10 things

In today’s busy hectic world, quality time spent between couples is growing lesser by the day. This is why the few precious hours which couples get with each other before sleeping should be spent in conversation and sharing the experience of the day together. This develops sharing of love and affection they have for each other. Instead of worrying and hurrying about getting to sleep so that you get ready for yet another day of work do not miss out on this quality time which you can spend with each other. Here’s what happy couples do before they sleep.

1. Go to bed at the same time

Conventional couples who work different shifts might have a genuine reason not to see each other, but those who work day shifts and don’t see each other the entire day should least try to coordinate bedtime and performing activities together like making the bed, or brushing your teeth. Trying this can be fun. These activities maintain the intimacy and the affection in the relationship.

2. Don’t bring your phones to bed

Even though your phone might be very important for your work, try to avoid looking at it when going to bed. Instead, focus on your partner and spend good time with them. Spending too much time on social media can have negative effects on your intimacy, so make sure you switch of your phones at 9 pm.

3. Don’t think about work

We all have problems at our workplace and we can’t change them if we keep worrying about them, especially when we are lying in bed. Avoid checking your email constantly, instead ask your partner about their day. You can share funny incidents or make future plans for a trip. This can help relax you both and you might sleep a lot better.

4. Follow a routine.

Create a pre-bedtime ritual like putting down curtains, making the bed, fluffing up pillows etc. This creates a pattern which sends signals to our brain of approaching bedtime and prepares your mind and body for a good night sleep. Sharing these routines with your partner would make it ten times more fun for intimacy and strengthen the trust.

5. Have a heart-to-heart talk.

– Pay attention to each other’s feelings. You don’t need to give advice or find immediate solutions to problems. Sometimes we simply want to talk and feel the care and support of our loved ones.

– Psychologist Ryan Howes suggests dedicating a few minutes before going to sleep to expressing positive feelings to your partner. This will help end the day on a positive note and make you feel better. It also has a positive influence on your overall mood.

– Try to forget about everything that happened that day, and leave all your problems and concerns outside the bedroom door. Tell your partner how much you love him or her. It’s very important to be serious and sincere when you express your feelings.

6. Share your feelings

Couples usually discuss things they disagree with, however it is also important to express hopeful feelings and ideas. This will help both of you to look forward to the following day.

7. Give each other a massage.

Specialists from the National Foundation of Sleep confirm that a light and relaxing massage before going to bed improves the quality of your sleep, reduces anxiety, and brings couples closer together.

8. Don’t hit below the belt

Arguments and disagreements are normal in every relationship, as long as they are constructive. Avoid attacking you partner, not just physically but also verbally and never mention their failures or disappointments when you are having a heated argument. This damage might never be reversed.

9. Never fight before sleeping

Fighting before bedtime can have devastating effects on your relationship. You should never go to sleep angry, and no matter what the issue is, try to figure it out before going to sleep. Anger can also disrupt your sleep quality and you will probably wake up grumpy.

10. Don’t forget about hugs and kisses.

Don’t forget to kiss your partner before going to sleep as well as cuddling for a few minutes when you are already in bed. This is very relaxing and evokes positive emotions. Psychologists are confident that if you hug while falling asleep, your relationship is not in trouble.

References: zeptha.com, usefulgen.com, brightside.me