Home News Farmers Are Using ‘Moo Muffs’ So Newborn Calves’ Ears Don’t Get Frostbite

Farmers Are Using ‘Moo Muffs’ So Newborn Calves’ Ears Don’t Get Frostbite

You are probably interested in animals. You may even have an animal or two of your own. For the most part, they tend to be either dogs or cats and if you really are walking on the wild side, you might have a gerbil or perhaps a rabbit. In any case, these animals provide us with a lot of love and companionship. It really doesn’t matter how big they are or how small they are, they continue to give us what we need in our lives.

There are also other types of animals that most people don’t have, but they can be just as amazing. Cows are included in that number and if you’re a farmer or just happen to have a cow as a family pet, you realize that they can be just as loving as any other type of animal. The problem is, they spend the majority of their time outdoors and when the weather is cold, it can be very difficult on them. We might be wearing cap or mittins but most cows don’t wear them. Then again, there are some who do.

Most cows are able to keep warm in the winter without much of a problem.

The head of the Department of large animals clinical sciences at the Western College of veterinary medicine, Dr. John Campbell said that adult cows don’t have a problem generating enough heat to keep warm.

The problem comes in newborn calves, who may catch hypothermia or get frostbite because they aren’t able to regulate their body temperature.

How do farmers make sure that the newborn calves are healthy?

Some of them are now using earmuffs for cows and it is just as adorable as it sounds. It is also very real, although you may not have seen it before.

A picture on Twitter last week showed one calf with pink knitted earmuffs and it went viral.


@ThisFarmingMan_shared the picture on Twitter along with the caption: “So it turns out ear muffs for calves to stop them getting frostbite are a real thing.”

It wasn’t long before it had almost 200,000 likes.

Cow earmuffs, also known as ‘moo muffs’ are an ingenious creation.

The one shown on Twitter is probably homemade but there are also some available commercially.

Holly Poad, owner of Triple P Farm in Lone Rock, Wisconsin had a family barn that was lost in the fire and she came up with some ‘moo muffs’ to keep the newborn calves warm according to KWQC.

Poad had her aunt make some homemade earmuffs for the calves to save money but they came with a few changes.

Some are made out of fleece but they wouldn’t be good enough for the calves in the winter. When the fleece got wet, they would basically be ice packs.

Her aunt, Kim Ewers decided on a new type of design that was water repellent on the outside and fleece on the inside.

Moo muffs started as a necessity for their own cows but it wasn’t long before it became part of the family business.

Poad and Ewers are now accepting orders from across the United States with other farmers wanting to keep their cows safe. They even have bright colors so it is easy to see if the Velcro strap is open.

People just think that this is way too cute and the comments are rolling in.

Other people are also posting how they kept calves warm in the winter.

Apparently, cows are amazing animals. They are big, but I’m sure that they have a big heart as well.

It’s just nice to know that they can weather the winter comfortably.

Source: Diply