Home Quiz Find the face hidden in the landscape

Find the face hidden in the landscape

Optical illusions can be fun for people of all ages. Even if you are someone who doesn’t like puzzles, you might enjoy optical illusions as they are attractive and that makes us pay attention. There are many types of optical illusions and they are made in a way that our eyes get confounded by what it sees. Reversible faces are one of the most common illusions as are paradoxes.

Puzzles like these are a great way to help keep our brains sharp. They help our visual-spatial reasoning, which can help with driving a car, packing, using a map, learning and following dance moves, and many other things, according to South Mountain Memory Care.


1. Is it a girl or a rabbit?

What did you see first in this image? It can be confusing since there are two creatures hidden in this photo.


2. How many pencils do you see?

This optical illusion feels like a trick to the eyes and it is one as well. Can you solve this one?

3. Find the face hidden in the landscape

This one is going to be hard to find. What you see here is an old town in a mountainous area. However, there is something else hidden in this image.

4. Is it a butterfly or two faces?

This is one of the classic types of optical illusions. However, at first glance, it looks just like a butterfly. What else do you see here?

If this left you thoroughly confused, here are the answers:


1. We leave this one up to you. Some people say that they see an animal, and some see a girl with a fancy hairstyle.

2. In the first one, there are three pencils joined together.


3. There is a face hidden in the landscape. How long did it take you to find it?


4. In the third one, the faces of two women are hidden in the butterfly’s silhouette.



