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Five Red Flags That Your Body Puts Up To Tell You That Your Heart Is In Trouble

Five Red Flags That Your Body Puts Up To Tell You That Your Heart Is In Trouble

The heart is the focal point of the body, it is a known fact. So much so that the Romans and the Greeks also regarded it as the center of emotions which gave rise to the whole plethora of things related to heart-shaped valentines. The fact that pollution and stress are both on the rise doesn’t help this scenario either, as the heart is one of the most sensitive organs, easily and drastically affected by the overall health of the body and the health of its environment.

Five red flags your body puts up to tell you that your heart is in trouble

As a result, the heart gets extra protection from the body, even in a general way. What’s more, the heart is so important that the body sends out warning signals for you to pick up on when it detects trouble.

Here are five signs that tell you that your heart is in bad shape and that you should be taking better care of it. Almost all of these signs are extremely common but, unfortunately, we ignore them for that very reason.

Learn your lesson while there is still time and pay attention to all these red flags:

1. Extreme fatigue when doing basic physical training

This is something that most young professionals face anyway, and it can be caused by a number of things. They include a poor diet, irregular sleep cycles, extreme workload, and unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking to “take the edge off.” All of these things affect metabolism, which in turn affects heart activity and health.

The biggest marker for this will be the inability to perform tasks you used to do frequently, like riding your bike to work or climbing the few flights of stairs to your apartment.

2. Chest cramps

Chest discomfort is one of the biggest markers of heart discomfort and should not be dismissed as something resulting from poor posture or something like that. They can indicate blockages of the arteries and may in severe cases lead to angina pectoris and other problems.

If you feel them from time to time, it’s high time to get a medical check-up, regardless of the number of sick days you have to take.

3. Upper body discomfort

Upper body pain, including things like jaw cramps and migraines, are signs that the heart is not pumping enough blood throughout the body. The clogged arteries that arise, thanks to unhealthy diets and smoking bouts, will only deteriorate these things.

4. Sleep apnea and snoring

Shortness of breath, which often accompanies sleep apnea, is something that indicates inadequate oxygenation of the body. This should be cause for concern if it continues for long periods of time.

5. Shortness of breath in general

This should be an issue of serious severity, regardless of the organ. Shortness of breath is most often a sign of deep-rooted problems like asthma or heart problems like arteries becoming clogged or losing their elasticity.

If you have any or all of these signs, make sure you see a doctor and start changing your habits. It is high time!
