Home Life Heart-Warming!! Kind Stranger Gave His First-Class Seat To An 88-Yr-Old Woman To...

Heart-Warming!! Kind Stranger Gave His First-Class Seat To An 88-Yr-Old Woman To Make Woman’s ‘Dream’ Come True

It’s the kind of heart-warming story we don’t usually associate with air travel.

On a Virgin Atlantic flight from New York to London, a kind stranger gave up his first-class seat so that 88-year-old Violet could fulfill her dream of “sitting at the front” of the plane for the first time.

According to a Dec. 10 Facebook post by flight attendant Leah Amy, a man named Jack had purchased seats for himself and his family on a flight that was headed to London from New York. The New Zealand Herald reported that Jack met 88-year-old Violet at the airport and decided to switch seats with her.

One of the flight attendants, Leah Amy, was so impressed by the young man’s kindness that she shared the following online:

“Of the hundreds of flights I’ve operated, I’ve had the pleasure of looking after footballers, supermodels and some Hollywood movie stars but let me tell you about my two favourite passengers EVER!

Jack and Violet ? (I wish she was called Vera or Rose ?)

Jack and his family purchased seats In our upper class cabin for a flight home from New York, but when he got onboard, Jack went and found violet in economy and swapped seats with her.

He then sat on the row of seats directly next to the economy toilets and never made a peep or asked for anything the rest of the flight. No fuss, no attention, literally did it out of the kindness of his own heart, no one asked him too.

Violet is 88years old, has been a nurse in both the UK and over in America. She travels to New York to see her daughter, but hasn’t been able to for a while because of a knee replacement. Her dream has always been to sit at the front, and Jack made that come true.

You should of seen her face, when I tucked her in her bed after supper ☺️

She said her daughter won’t believe her, and wanted a ‘selfie’ to prove it, but didn’t have a phone or an email address. These photos are getting sent in the post tomorrow, can you even cope ??❤️??

Thousands online were overjoyed by just how sweet and generous this act of kindness was.

Source:understandingcompassion.com, facebook.com