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How To Tell If You’re Being Used In A Relationship?

How To Tell If You’re Being Used In A Relationship?

If Your Man Does These 6 Things, You’re Being Used In Relationship

1. They Always Seem Checked Out

They isinterest in conversations, in the other’s activities of choice, and in their likes and dislikes. They won’t ask about your day, they won’t ask your opinion on something, and they definitely won’t listen with interest as you talk. While long-term couples will go through periods of distraction, experiencing this on a regular basis is not OK.

2. He makes plans with you at the last minute

Let’s be honest, he probably had some plans with his friends, but since they screwed him over, he called you because he didn’t want to be alone. You are his last option and he would rather spend some time with you than go home and be bored.

3. He doesn’t introduce you as his girlfriend

If he doesn’t introduce you to his loved ones as his girlfriend, it’s because he doesn’t see you as such. This is a sign that he probably has someone else (or more than one) but wants to keep you as an option. He doesn’t think you’re important and doesn’t want to introduce you to the people who matter to him.

3. He only looks for you when he wants to

If he’s only texting you late at night when he’s been drinking, saying he misses you and wants you close, it means you’re nothing more than prey for him. He’s just using you to get what he wants. He doesn’t want to commit to anything serious at all. He plays games, but it’s up to you how long you put up with them.

4. He doesn’t want to meet your friends

Even if you told him that there are people in your life who are extremely important to you, he has no desire to meet them. In fact, he’s not even interested in getting to know you better. He just wants you to be there when he needs you and leave him alone when he needs space. If you see these signs, you need to make it clear to him that you are not his puppet and he cannot do whatever he wants with you.

5. It disappears and does not contact you

A man who is next to you will warn you if he will not be available because he knows you will worry. But if he disappears for a few days and acts normal when he comes back, you should know that he doesn’t respect you. Such a person will never love you. If he does all these things at the beginning of your relationship, you can imagine what it will be like once things get more serious.

6. He makes zero effort to win you over

He thinks he doesn’t have to put in the effort to win you over. He wants you to do all the work. And after you do all this, he will say that he is not the best for you and leave. The thing is, he really doesn’t know what he wants. He’s just a spoiled brat who wants to get every girl but can never commit seriously.

7. You Feel Uncomfortable Around Them

Pay attention to how you feel whenever you talk to or hang out with your partner. Do you get jittery? Do you tense up? Do you feel angry for seemingly no reason? Physical and emotional reactions like these might be a sign your partner doesn’t have your best interests at heart, even if you can’t put a finger on why.

8. The Relationship Feels Unequal

It might feel like you’re always the one paying for things, planning dates, buying gifts, and doing chores — and they never seem to expend the same amount of effort to meet you halfway. If your partner seems unwilling to return the favor, or unexcited to give back, chances are they’re using you on some level.