If you are not quite sure if you are having an emotional αffαír, here are nine signs that indicate you probably are
We also easily connect with others on social media. Some platonic relationships can slowly turn into deep emotional friendships. On the other hand, emotional connections can also quickly lead to flirting.
When that person is attracted to you, you face a slippery slope away from marriage. The dangers of emotional affairs. So be careful.
Signs that you are in a romantic affair
If you’re not sure if you’re in a romantic affair, here are nine signs that you probably are:
1. Frequent contact when you are not together.
You often contact this person at questionable times. You spend a lot of time texting, emailing or video calling this person.
2. You discuss very personal matters, such as your current relationship problems.
You share all or most of your problems and concerns with this person. By doing this, you also become more unhappy with your spouse.
3. This person takes control of your thoughts.
You are constantly thinking about this person. This person is in your mind when you wake up in the morning, when you go to bed at night, and most of the day.
4. You spend a lot of time together.
You make excuses or create reasons to spend time with him/her. You may even make excuses to avoid spending time with your partner so you can spend more time with this other person.
5. He or she becomes the first person you want to call for any “news.”
You have exciting news to share or you’ve had a bad day and this is the person you call. You may not share much with your spouse.
6. You think this person really “gets” you.
You are starting to feel like this person really understands you better than your spouse does. Because you seem to have a unique connection, you may feel that this person understands you in a way that others do not, including your spouse.
7. You start lying or keeping secrets.
If you intentionally fail to tell your spouse about your conversations, meetings, lunches, texts, and phone calls, you need to blow the whistle! You are hiding things or lying when you know deep down that this behavior is not acceptable.
8. You often compare your spouse to him or her.
You may be angry at your partner for not doing the things the other person does. You begin to idealize that person as your spouse begins to look worse in your eyes.
9. Less time for your partner
Whether it’s less communication, care, thoughts, or your inner world, your time and attention is taken away from your partner and transferred to this other person.
Impact of Emotional αffαír
If you think you are having an emotional affair, it may be time to seriously evaluate the state of your marriage.
Even when these affairs don’t cross the line into physicality, the impact can be just as damaging and put your marriage at risk.
If you or your partner is experiencing an emotional affair, it is important to stay in communication with your partner. Talking about the problem is an important first step, but you may find that marriage counseling can be helpful.