Home Health If you see this weed, don’t remove it. Here’s 10 reasons why!

If you see this weed, don’t remove it. Here’s 10 reasons why!

Purslane is a common herb that’s renowned for its medicinal benefits. Its scientific name, Portulaca oleracea, literally means “herbal purslane” and describes the plant’s edible and medicinal properties. In fact, humans have been using purslane for millennia, and now the plant has thousands of names in many different languages. Purslane has an incredibly wide distribution and can be found on three continents. It grows naturally in Northern Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Southern Asia, Indonesia, and Australia. Its massive range is likely due to anthropogenic means, as humans likely spread this plant across the globe for its edible and medicinal properties.

Today, purslane is still eaten for its medicinal benefits. It’s one of the healthiest plants out there and is chock full of vitamins and minerals. It can be used as a garnish or in salads and adds a fresh, sour taste to many dishes. So what exactly are the pros of eating purslane? Keep reading to learn about 10 surprising purslane benefits!


1. Omega-3 fatty acids
You thought you could only get omega-3s through salmon and flaxseeds. You’ll be delighted to know that according to Mother Earth Living, the omega-3 fatty acids in purslane function as fuel for the brain, a preventative for heart attack and a treatment for depression.

2. Calcium and magnesium
Eat purslane to maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

3. Antioxidants
Mother Earth Living says the plant is chock-full of antioxidants, which delay cell damage and slow aging.

4. Potassium
Add purslane to your daily diet, because the potassium in the leaves helps keep your blood pressure in check.

5. Iron
Most people think they can only get iron from red meat and beans. But according to Heal With Food, purslane is also a good source of iron.

6. Hydration
Progressive Health reports that purslane is 93 percent water. Eat the plant to refuel dehydrated cells.

7. Beta-carotene
You might not think purslane is a rich source of beta carotene, given its green color, but according to the Chicago Tribune, this is one of the plant’s greatest advantages.

8. Glutathione and melatonin
Purslane contains glutathione, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage, and melatonin, which regulates sleep-wake circles, according to Progressive Health.

9. Tryptophan
Purslane contains this important amino acid that regulates mood. Progressive Health says eating purslane can fight depression.

10. Betalain
Progressive Health says purslane contains betalain, an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol from damaging blood vessels. This is why purslane is known to have a positive effect on LDL cholesterol levels.