Home Health If you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night every...

If you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night every night, you should know this

If you wake up in the middle of the night, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) may have an explanation and a solution for you.

According to Forever Conscious, the TCM body-clock principle that every organ has a time for high energy and a time for low energy. Therefore, there is an optimal time for every activity, from exercise to eating, from s3x to rest.

If you organize your day so that you follow the TCM body clock, you will feel your best day and night. As per Holistic Health Library, you should wake and drink water between 5 and 7 a.m; take a nap between 3 and 7 p.m; and avoid sugary foods between 7 and 9 p.m.

Wjile in the daytime, the body is full of yang energy, which is associated with activity, expansion and fire, nighttime is reserved for yin energy. Sacred Lotus explains that yin is slow, restorative and cool. When you sleep, ying energy is used to restore the body, according to Organic Olivia. During this time, the liver cleanses the blood and the lungs expel toxins. This is why sleep is so important and waking up in the middle of the night can be a symptom of an underlying issue.

Waking up between 1 and 3 a.m.

It means your liver may have a problem processing waste. This can be irritating and lead to bouts of insomnia, as well as frustration and rage. If you want to strengthen the liver and resolve this issue, consider whether you are holding a grudge against anyone. Work to resolve your grudge and anger. You may be surprised that when you clear your mind of toxic emotions, your body is better able to clear itself of physical waste.

Waking between 3 and 5 a.m

This is yet another sign of emotional turmoil. Grief and sadness, in particular, are associated with the lungs. During these hours, the lungs cleanse themselves of toxic buildup. So if you wake up coughing, your body may be signaling that your lungs are having trouble clearing out toxins. Forever Conscious suggests deep breathing exercises to help you fall back to sleep and energize your lungs.

Waking in the middle of the night

According to Cultural China, this is a sign of too much yang energy.

In order to fall back to sleep, you can do these things

– Wrap warm blankets or clothes around your shoulders.
– Take a few deep breaths, exhaling to rid the body of negative energy.
– Rub your hands together to generate heat, and then use one warm hand to massage the sides of your nose and the other hand to cover your eyes. Do this for a count of 35. Next, move your ears back and forth 35 times, and then cover your ears with your hands so your fingers rest on the back of your head. Tap the back of your head 25 times. Finally, stretch your arms wide and swallow three times, imagining the saliva flowing down to your navel. Lie back down.

You may be surprised to find you fall back to sleep rather quickly.