Have you ever cut into an avocado only to discover dark spots inside? Your first thought could be to chuck it, believing it has gone bad. But, wait! Not all dark marks indicate that your avocado is rotten. In fact, you may still be able to enjoy it.
What Causes Dark Spots in Avocados?
Those dark or blackish patches inside your avocado could be caused by a variety of innocuous causes:
✅ Pressure Bruises: Improper handling or storage can cause bruising on avocados. This impacts texturing but not safety.
✅ Oxidation: When exposed to air, avocados may darken, similar to how apples become brown. It’s simply a natural reaction.
✅ Cold D.a.m.a.g.e: Avocados that have been left in the fridge for too long may acquire darkened patches, but are still edible.

When to Eat vs. When to Toss
Safe to Eat: If the avocado has a few dark streaks or small patches but smells good and has a normal texture, scoop out the darker portions and eat the rest.
Time to Toss: If it has a sour odor, a fully mushy texture, or visible mold, it should be discarded.
Creative Ways to Use Spotty Avocados
Instead of throwing away an avocado with minor flaws, consider these options:
🥑 Smoothies: Combine it with bananas, berries, and milk for a creamy treat.
🥑 Face Mask: Add honey for a moisturizing skincare boost.
🥑 Avocado Brownies: Add it to your brownie mix for a thick, fudgy texture.
🥑 Hair Treatment: Use it as a natural conditioner for silky hair.

Bottom Line
Not every dark mark indicates that your avocado is bad! Check for symptoms of deterioration, and if it’s still fine, experiment with how you utilize it. No more waste—only delicious, nutritious goodness! 🌱✨